USA | Friday, 5 July 2013 | Views [102] | Comments [1]
Lisa welcomed me into her two months new apartment with a smile and a hug.
Lisa welcomed me into her two months new apartment with a smile and a hug. She immediately offered me a cup of tea and took my bag. Boxes lined one wall, and there was organized chaos in clustered corners and here she was thanking me for coming as though I was doing her a favor. I was instantly struck by how closely she resembled a young Elizabeth Taylor. She was cheerful, sweet and well spoken, and naked within five minutes, although she requested immediately that I not photograph her face. She has an impressive collection of artists work spanning most of her body, and an effortless elegance on which to carry them. I wanted to capture the contrast of a lovely and feminine painted lady in the midst of urban grit. Ironically, the most important, albeit small, element of this photograph was Lisa’s face. Her defined lashes and the curve of her nose and cheek, and the compliments of her curves against the scuffed wood floor and exposed brick wall make this photograph. She is the ultimate contrast, and it was my hope to portray that effectively in her portrait. Lisa is polite, humble, kind and well mannered and simultaneously covered in so many styles of fantastic ink. Across her knuckles are the words “Be A Lady.” While you can’t see her hands, her body language is soft and feminine without being seductive. And despite the fact that she’s wearing very little, the focus remains on her face and the richness of her hair. The soft focus is intended, although I’m not sure anyone really practices that anymore? The textures were less important than concept in this particular photograph.
msieja2 Jul 5, 2013 11:08 AM