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Wondering and Wandering I graduated. Now what? Do I live the life I never wanted to live? The one where I move to the city, get a job in a corporate cubicle, and slave away 60 hours a week for $40,000 a year? No thanks. How about 5 years down the road when I settle on a girl I don't truly love, buy the car I don't need, have the marriage that won't last, buy the home I can't afford? No thanks. I want to see things, I want to experience life in every way. This is the only life I've got, I might as well make the most of it and do something I won't foget. So here I am, travelling the world one step at a time. Where I'm going is yet to be decided, how long I'm there is up in the air, but one thing's for sure. Whatever I do, where ever I go, I'm going to be living. You can count on that.


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IRELAND | Tuesday, 13 Feb 2007 | Views [780] | Comments [6]

I'm better now, and it's near impossible to find a job here without a visa, you can't get a visa without already having a job. Thanks George W for making this so easy for us. I'm going to be in Galway til Friday or Saturday, then I am off to Dublin. ... Read more >

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