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Wondering and Wandering I graduated. Now what? Do I live the life I never wanted to live? The one where I move to the city, get a job in a corporate cubicle, and slave away 60 hours a week for $40,000 a year? No thanks. How about 5 years down the road when I settle on a girl I don't truly love, buy the car I don't need, have the marriage that won't last, buy the home I can't afford? No thanks. I want to see things, I want to experience life in every way. This is the only life I've got, I might as well make the most of it and do something I won't foget. So here I am, travelling the world one step at a time. Where I'm going is yet to be decided, how long I'm there is up in the air, but one thing's for sure. Whatever I do, where ever I go, I'm going to be living. You can count on that.

Read this!

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 26 March 2007 | Views [690] | Comments [8]

Ha, I got your attention didn't I. I've got new pics up under Merry Ole England. Check em out. I have to say though people, I'm a little disappointed. My typical viewing has gone from over 200 to less than 100. Is my writing gettting bad? Am I not interesting enough for you? Thank you, a big thank you, to all of you who do read and an even bigger thanks to those of you who comment. I going to give you a quick recap of what's been going on recently...kids. That's whats going on. Kids and trying to get prepared for Nepal in September. I made some friends in town and we wen't and saw 300 last night...um awesome. I came outta that movie feeling like a badass, plus there were boobies, he he. Today I walked about 10 miles, had a few pints, and saved some lambs from being caught up in a barbed wire fence. I'm pretty much a badass. I swear, on my left foot pinky toe, that I will try to be more vigilant when it comes to my blogs. I know, once a slacker, always a slacker. I've got some books for you to read that I just completed. The Traveller by John Twelve Hawks, Dan Browns Digital Fortress, and Steve Berry's The Templar Legacy (incredibly addictive). I find myself reading a lot, not much else to do around here. Ok, enough though, I'm going to bed. I love you all, especially you Rob. You make my heart beat faster...you weirdo.

Tags: Friends



Great pictures Alex. Rosie is adorable. Aww, you saved some lambs,I am proud of you. No, I am not being sarcastic, I really am proud of what you did. The caption however gives you away.
Looking forward to seeing you in Ireland. I am not sure I will recognize you tho. That vegan diet has apparently
slimmed you down considerably.
Much love always,GM

  Grandmother Mar 26, 2007 10:58 PM


ok, so, im just going to throw this out there.. reading your last entry hurt my head.. maybe, JUST MAYBE, a few paragraphs? its like being inside your head.. and that scares the crap out of me as then id have a split personality disorder and would have to go to a hospital and finger paint for the rest of my life.. although, that doesnt sound half bad...

  JC Mar 27, 2007 7:28 AM


I definitely agree about the paragraphs.

And yeah, if you would update more, people would remember to come check it more often. There has to be more going on with you. DETAILS! Huhlo! Start with this trip to Nepal. How'd this come about? I'm really glad you're finding your niche, though. :-D and totally jealous.

  Meagan Mar 27, 2007 4:06 PM



Love Dan Brown books. I've read about ten. Loved your last photo of your walking path. Looks like the one that Frodo and Sam took out of the Shire with Merry and Pippin. Look forward to reading The Templar Legacy. Have you seen National Treasure with Nick Cage? Lots of Knights Templar history (but not sure how much is real or movie tripe).
"Write it and they will read" to paraphrase a good movie. More updates and more views will happen. Checking it daily leaves the mind to wander if nothing new is posted. Love ya and glad things are still going well with the kiddies. Reminder-"Big Rock Candy Mountain" song.


  Dad Mar 28, 2007 5:59 AM


Hey Manny Alex. Great photos: you continue to hone your craft, develop your talent; inspire us with your gifts. Is that high praise? Is that what you're waiting to hear? Really, you've a good eye and I'm enjoying the views of Merry Olde England.

So, how are you doing with your playoff brackets? Who did you pick for the Final Four? We have another Fantasy Baseball league on - wanna play?


  Jackie Mar 28, 2007 9:35 AM


Please post more - when you don't, people come to me wondering if you are OK or if the children finally overtook you and are holding you hostage. Although, Zachary may need to . . . due to the photo of him in the dress. Your photos like that never ended up on the net - yet.

Remember, Thomas Rutherfurd (yes, spelling is correct) and his book Sarum. I will bring you his Princes of Ireland.

Photos are fab, of course! I know the lamb was for my benefit. Sunset is gorgeous.


  Diana Mar 28, 2007 12:39 PM


"saving" sheep............is that what they call it over there?

would they have gotten caught in the fence if you weren't chasing them? What? It's an honest question!

  Rob Mar 31, 2007 2:03 AM


Yeah, Rob took the words right out of my mouth. <3



P.S. Sorry I became a slacker too. Gots me a job and shit. I's a workin girl now! hehe...miss you kid!

  Aimee Apr 5, 2007 12:02 AM

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