Believe it or not, Ireland is not the happy-go-lucky place some might think it is. It's a sad place really, full of people either looking to survive or take advantage of others. It's rare to find a person who is completely content. I guess it's a bit like the US. Here is a suggestion to people who want to travel on their own, take a tour group with a guide and a bus. It's almost near impossible to walk on the roads without getting hit. Not saying I have but it's a common occurance seeing how people are horrid drivers and there is no hard shoulder in the country. I'm going to have a bit of trouble I think getting around this country without taking the bus, so I think I will be taking the bus from now on. It might cost me a little bit of money but its better than dying. Last night was a bit of an interesting evening. Ed and I walked down to the local IRA bar to have a few drinks. There happened to be a few gentlemen down there in suits. Their cover was a funeral, I happen to think otherwise since the occasion wasn't quite somber. We moved on from there after having our drinks to the Harp and Lion, nice bar but quite small, smaller than Sidebar in Denton for those that frequent Fry St. At least they had a fireplace. There is this chill that enters your body when you land in Ireland. It's not the kind of chill that happens when you get a bit of a cool wind on the back of your neck, it's not the kind of chill you get when jump into a pool on a cool summers day, it's the kind of cold that enters your body and heads straight to your bones to lodge itself there permanantly, or at least until you leave this island. I have discovered that no amount of blankets, clothing, or heat can provide the kind of warmth that a shot of whisky can. No wonder the people here drink as often as they do. It's all coming together now. Ed is definately and intersting man with a lot of insight to offer. He's seen a lot and can teach you things about life that most don't even understand. Caitlin reminds me of Deb Shaw. It's as if Deb Shaw is hosting me. It's grand. Caitlin is incredibly intelligent, especially when it comes to Irish history, and she's not even Irish! I have no idea where I am going tomorrow but it is definately time for me to be on my way. There is the option of walking the western coast with the Norweigan girl but thats not until the second of Feb. so I'm not sure where I will head from here, probably towards the Dingle peninsula or maybe I will do the ring of Kerry. One of the most beautiful places in all of Ireland. The Guarda has approved me for 3 months so I should be fine and dandy. I think today I will work on reducing my bag weight, I know I keep saying this but I think this time I will actually do it. I can always come back here and pick up a few things since Ed and Caitlin offered to put some things away for me. I still think I need to keep all the things I have but I know I don't, there has to be a few things I can do without. I've already stripped down to the bare minimum, or the bare minimum in my book at least. I'm definately feeling much better so that's positive. I'm full of random thoughts right now so I will work on organizing them and come back later. I forgot to bring my photo cable so I will come back later today and upload a few pictures.