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Europe and the Middle East 2011

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Turkey | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 5 photos

After resolving to permanently abandon my career as a Physiotherapist, I have spent the past 9 months traveling through Mediterranean Europe and the Middle East, immersed in writing and photography.

During this time, I have fed my adventurous and free-spirited nature, and learnt more about place, people and myself, than I could have ever imagined - from discovering family, friends and love for my heritage in Lebanon, to the heights of the Alps in Italy and the mysterious depths of Istanbul.

I have a particular passion for photographing animals. I see a personality in each creature I encounter, and I love capturing it.

I also enjoy photographing silhouetted landscapes at sunset. I am driven to take shots that entice the mood or energy of a place, so that myself or anyone else is immediately transported back to that place. Like most writers and photographers I fear a fading memory.

My ultimate ambition is to travel the world with the funds of my writing and photography. The opportunity to learn and draw inspiration from an industry master whilst being immersed in my four great loves - photography, writing, animals and travel - would be a truly indescribable pleasure.

Also, I see this scholarship as a timely second chance at an African wilderness adventure, as my trip to remote Ethiopia this year was cancelled due to security issues.

This series of photographs - The Cats Of Istanbul - represent the beautiful nostalgic melancholy that is the true essence and soul of the city and it’s inhabitants.

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