About mizznomadic
At the wave
I believe that you never really know what you want to do until you do it, which is so true of my situation.
When I was younger my father had an Olympus camera and he used to show me how to use it, I was always intrigued but as the years went on life took over and as I am a happy and sociable person, I fell in to the world of customer service.
After 11 years I felt like I needed a break and backpacked around the world on and off for a total of 21 months.
I lived and worked in Bulgaria for 5 of those months, I was managing a hostel over there and I would hear all the stories of the guests travel stories, so I got itchy feet again!.
So, on my return I chose to go backpacking again but to South America to learn Spanish and travel, this is where I rediscovered my passion for photography. I feel happy behind a lens and further more I want to share this beautiful world with others.
I was in total awe of the beauty that surrounded me and I thought seriously about changing my career path to photography.
On my return from South America I enrolled on a 3 month part time photography course (once a week) to test my skills and to use it for my next trip to the USA, I enjoyed it so much that I came home and enrolled in a photography degree.