幾日前我上網搵CITY工,除左SEND左一封去某FAST FOOD STORE做之外,係某個比較蚊型既網站見到一個POST, 內容如下:
Travel writer assistant
Assistant required to acompany me on many trips to luxury hotels and resorts, unpaid role but includes lots of free travel and free accomodation, something like a free holiday, send your photo (optional) name and number.
咁我就留左言同電話, 睇下佢有冇回覆喇....點知同日下午就收到個EMAIL, 個個人就話想同我 have a coffee, 呢個叫做gregory既人留左佢電話,叫我覆佢~ 咁我基本上係睇完唔記得左,點知同日夜晚10點幾,佢又打俾我, 我又miss左,不過我覺得有d奇怪,因為佢好似真係好想搵到我咁!! somehow我知道佢話想約去飲coffee就覺得有d怪怪咁...所以我都係,再睇下點先,佢再打黎我就問清楚要做d咩,同埋會叫埋lamching一齊去見佢!
好喇, 到左琴日(1/1)下晝,佢又再打黎喇!今次我就聽啦, 問候左一兩句之後,就開始入正題,內容大致如下:
外籍男子gregory: are you interested in this job?
me: um..actually, what am I supposed to do, like writing a review or sth?
G: um, no,...you just have to enjoy the facilities so it's good for someone who like travel.
me: um..but...can you explain more about what you are doing?
G: I write online reviews about hotels so i get some discounts or free accommodation for that. Sometimes i get a twin room so I can always bring a 'friend' there.
me: Besides hotel accommodation, do u also write about tours or day trips?
G: um, mostly for the hotel accommodation....are u in sydney now?
me: yes.
G: where r u staying now?
me: St. Ives......so you mentioned I just have nothing to do,but in return I got free accommodation, so am i get paid?
G: this is an unpaid job. .....
G: ....I am a bachelor...
me: ??....(我仲意為佢意思係一個DEGREE HOLDER)....
G: i am single....yea...so i dont mind taking a female friend...(佢重覆講左3次佢係single!!)
G: are u single?
me: NO!
G:無啦啦自己 笑左一輪
me: yea...尷尬地笑...
G: top secret....maybe u should not tell your boyfriend.
G: well, you can think about it whether you are interested or not, actually there are a couple of people interested now, I also hv to choose among them. (懶係講到好多人想做咁!)
ME: oh, then can you send me your online review or blog thing to my email, so that i can have a look of what you are doing? (好明顯我係睇下佢係唔係吹水囉!)
G: um, it's not a blog , it's just some reviews...
Me: that's ok, just send me the website and if I am interested in it, i will call or email u.
G: Ok...
收左線之後,我完全覺得佢係流架!! 點會份工冇野要做,又有得玩,唔洗錢,仲問我係唔係SINGLE, 仲夠膽叫我唔好同男朋友講話做份工,咩TOP SECRET!! 好,咁我又睇下佢係唔係真係SEND個網黎,睇下佢寫咩啦! 夜D我見到佢SEND左個網俾我,居然係平時 search D 酒店個D網咪有D人寫REVIEW,佢就勁廢咁SEND左個我根本唔可以肯定係佢寫既網!! LAMCHING話佢講左幾次係SINGLE, 其實可能係暗號黎....好明顯係搵人陪訓...=_=''
後來有個係澳洲住既中學同學知道呢件事後,就話其實佢係針對緊個D想黎澳洲搞居留既女仔!冇人工就一定,相反係個女仔俾錢個男人,等佢同你假結婚搞居留權!所以佢就係咁話佢係SINGLE,暗指佢可以幫你搞假結婚!!哈,我真係太天真,真以為有D咁既好工... 不過佢都搞笑囉,佢應該FEEL到我GET唔到佢既用意,就唔好用咁多口水同我講啦...我明顯地俾白撞!!=_=''