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The world through my Mexican eyes

Trip: Germany

There are [3] stories from my trip: Germany

Leaving Frankfurt

GERMANY | Thursday, 1 Jan 2009 | Views [589]

The morning we left Frankfurt, it was freezing -10 C. Even Yaretzi used the expression "I am freezing". This reminds me how one of the first words she ever said was "cold". It was 8:00 in the morning when the phone rang, Bjorn had ... Read more >

Tags: airport, moving, toddler

Romantic antique

GREECE | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Views [580]

After a four hour trip, we arrived at Athens to find out there was a national strike: no electricity, no public transportation. We decided to rent a car and buy a road atlas. A little nightmare  when you start trying to read in Greek, however we managed ... Read more >

Tags: dark, pelopnesse

Gallery: autom

GERMANY | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

colorful, aromatic
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