So, i'm walking around bourke street with liz, picking up our printing from kinkos for uni... and i hear someone say "Merry?" ... so i turn aruond, and it's Jay! my friend from UNivresity of Western Australia!!! We lived in the same dorm and were friends there! TUrns out she's marrie, and lives in melbounre!
i have already ran into 2 friend from perth here... crazy!
too tired to write a lot... will try to update later. Me and liz are going on an all day hike in a national park tomorrow...then back to the grind on Uni Monday Morning.
Liz is the person i got on with best at ISV training. she was stationed in New Zealand, but got moved here to Melbourne for a few weeks. Lucky me!!!! i'm so happy she's here. we're already having so much fun togheter. it's really great having a friend around!