Funny story from last week at the University of Queensland (in Brisbane).
I recognized one of the students that came into the info meeting. he was turning in his application, and i said, HI! Man, how many times did you hear the annoucement? he said, 2 times from you, and 2 times from brad. i was like, yikes! sorry!!! ha. He said, not it's ok. You were actully a part of our lecture. I said, really? how? He said, well, this week, ever since you ran into our class and did the annoucement, our prof has been referring to you as the highly explosive hydrogen atom we are studying. Or actully, referring to the ataom as... "like the american".
sweet! I'm like a highly explosive hydrogen atom! I have also been called "the crazy american" and " the travel preacher".
I am also proud to say i got my FIRST phone number on the sign up sheet yesterday! haha, yay! no, i'm not calling.
It's wednesday - last day of annoucnemtns here at Deakin Uni - then info meeting ALL day tomorrow. our boss Simon is in town, so he's coming to watch us. Wednesdays always take so long... wish me luck.