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Hot Humid Days

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 8 March 2015 | Views [175]

The week that sleep forgot. We've decided to blame it on the full moon. I talked to so many people that have been sleeping like shit this week. Once our air con kicks on in our room, I usually cool off to a good sleeping temperature. This week, I would either wake up freezing, or sweating. Normally I'd be sleeping fine through the night. I also forgot to put my phone in flight mode a few times, so I got 4 am wake up calls about who's bringing some milk home and things like that. I also got a 2 am wake up call from a crazy drunk girl right outside my window. I came so close to opening my window and yelling/verbally abusing her, but that would have taken too much effort. My troubles seem to be turning around though, last night I did sleep pretty well, and I even had a 4 hour nap during the day. To be expected since I didn't sleep at all the night before. I just forget that I can't sleep for too long straight, no matter how tired I am. In a way, my 6:30 am workout classes are great for that, since it's nearly the time I would normally wake up at. I did pretty well this week when it comes to going to the classes as well. Well, for the back half of the week anyway. Wednesday through Friday is pretty good, especially when I do multiple workouts a day. I can't do my lovely boxing class anymore due to a schedule shift, but that's fine, I've got plenty of other classes to keep me occupied.

The owners of our hostel returned from their holiday, full of hugs and good vibes. They told us that they thought about us on their trip and they were worried about us... worried that we would leave! They're a nice couple, it's good to have them back. Since they're back, we have started to do our weekly Wednesday BBQ nights. I assisted and got myself a nice free BBQ meal of sausages, beef, kangaroo (yes, they eat it and yes, it's delicious) and different varieties of salads courtesy of everyone's favorite place, The Woolshed. We only had a few missteps, the grill caught itself on fire, and not in the way it's supposed to. We got a little bit of oil splatter and my foot got painted with a bit of BBQ sauce. Worth it for the meal and merriment. Luckily I quite enjoy hand washing dishes, because that's what I spent the rest of my evening doing while they started with their fire dancing show and didgeridoo competition. I even got a free cider out of the deal afterward while I chilled out in reception. Also, we had quite a few leftovers, so I was able to have some delicious food for a few extra days. If only the alcohol would have made me sleep better, I think it only makes me sweat more.

We had quite a few big days of checkouts, which meant we got quite a few new people checking in. We got to scare a couple newbies about drop bears. We recounted out camping adventure when one came at us. Between the three of us, we finally got the whole story out, but there was more laughing than anything. It's alway fun screwing with people.

I took my first day off to head to the Botanical Gardens. It's about a 5 km walk to get there and then different gardens are a few kilometers in length and the Red Arrow walk which I did was bout 1.5 km. I wasn't yet prepared to do the Blue Arrow, I don't remember the length, but it would take 4 hours return to do it, maybe later. So basically, I walked/hiked about 15 km that day, not bad. It was quite hot, about 32 degrees (Celsius y'all) but luckily I was shaded by the rainforest flora. I may not have had to worry about the sun too much, but I should have thought about the insects. I'm the idiot who didn't take bug spray into a jungle walk. Luckily the mozzies weren't too bad. The Red Arrow walk was very nice. Steep enough to feel like you get a bit of a workout, but not impossible to complete. I didn't come face to face with any cassowaries, or get tagged by any stinging trees, so it was quite successful. I even saw a little snake! I wanted to pick him up, but, though I was fairly certain he wasn't venomous, I didn't want to take any chances. He also didn't seem to like me very much. He gave me a little bit of attitude before jumping over a branch and slithering off. The views at the top were incredible. I caught a couple of airplanes taking off. There are just stunning views of the ocean and mountains and as you wander back down, there is a really nice view of Cairns, my lovely little home. It's such a nice place here, even with the heat. Who knows, maybe I'll get my divemaster certification when I go back home and return to work on the boats in the fall. It wouldn't be a bad gig, hanging out on the reef all day, making sure people don't drown. Sounds like a good life to me.

I had a good talk with my second family, the Heffernans, during annual hockey tourney time. I had to make an appearance in some fashion since I have for the past 3 years or so. By the time I called in and made the rounds to everyone, most of them were quite blitzed, it was fantastic. Even in a secluded room, you could still hear them yelling for their respective teams. It was nice to "see" everyone for a bit and know that life just keeps truckin' on back home. Shortly thereafter I went into total girl mode when a cockroach flew into our room. I literally screamed, much like I did when I saw one for the first time in the bathroom on the St. Paul U of M campus. If they just walk, it's alright, but the flying everywhere was what was freaking me out. With a team effort, we got him out and then promptly shut the windows, no more. Luckily that was the only time I ventured into girl mode.

The week wasn't without losses however. I broke my glasses, twice. But the super glue seems to be holding well for now. I'm assuming they got cracked from the volleyball I took to the head over a month ago. I'll see if an optometrist can do anything, otherwise it might be time to order a Warby Parker equivalent and get them fixed back home. Boo, I'd rather spent the money on something else... like another tattoo. Decisions, decisions. Until next time champs, take care and enjoy the heat wave that looks to be coming back home and good luck with daylights savings time, none of that nonsense here. Cheers!


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