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one step at a time-my life in a backpack Ok where to start? Well I'm 23 an aussie and after years of talking about doing this travel thing I have set off on my way. The idea is to see the uk and europe (highly original I know) But since I set out here I just don't know where to stop!! I believe the travel bug may just have bitten me! But really you only live once and why not see everything. Life should be about happiness and experiences not stress and misery! Well at least thats what I want!


ROMANIA | Tuesday, 1 May 2007 | Views [442]

Bucharest is a pretty cool city. I think in 10 years time it might just become one of the must see places. It has just joined the EU and it is a city of paradox. You will have a block of flats that is all run down and underneath all that will be a prada store. They have gardens that could be amazing but are just not maintained! I did love this place though they have an awesome history and the people are really cool.Next stop was transylvania. I am a bit of an anne rice bram stoker kindda gal but there isn't much of this kind of things. I did go to the castle and it is sort of cool. It is really about Vlad the Impaler. This guy was around and was feared by everyone but the people loved him. If you did wrong you would be tortured usally by the method of impaling a stake through you. Nice!! But the romainans love him and he was the royal family which is what this place is all about. I am glad I have been here and I can't wait to read more about this guys as apparently he was a great leader and treated his people really well. Next up Cluj Napoca this place is beautiful I really like this city. I didn't spend alot of time here but I enjoyed it's laid back feel and the cute streets.

Tags: Sightseeing

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