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Safari Sisters “I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” — Diane Ackerman

From the desert to the West Coast

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 28 October 2016 | Views [418] | Comments [1]

We left our sanctuary behind and headed off to the west coast of Namibia to the town of Swakopmund. The drive across was very scenic particularly watching the landscape change from desert to sandy coast dunes. After a brief drive by of the coast, we checked in to our lovely two bedroom apartment for the next three nights. After a number of days in the desert it was nice to enjoy some luxuries such as a bath, washing machine, full kitchen, fridge, tv, air conditioning, the works. We did also have to drop our car 'Road Runner' in for a service and clean which meant we were stuck with no transport for one day but we caught up on such much needed washing while we waited. Being on the coast we decided we should try the local seafood and drove up the road to Wallis bay. We all ordered a seafood basket with oysters, prawns, fish, muscles and calamari but were a bit surprised when it was served in a frypan covered in melted cheese - not what we were expecting. I think we are pretty spoilt for seafood in Australia and had high standards whiich this did not come anywhere close to. We left a tad disappointed by were sure to drown our sorrows in a few theraputic wines. The following day we went in hunt of some pink famingoes. We did spy some hanging out at the local poo factory (no not a typo) but according to Meki we needed to catch them in a more natural environment. We eventually found them hanging out at the beach however they weren't very pink, in fact the ones at the poo factory were much pinker. After taking a few snaps of them we headed back in to town and on the way passed some people out riding camels across the sand dunes. We thought that looked pretty cool so booked ourselves in for an afternoon ride. When we arrived at the place it became apparent that this was not the same place we had seen and our camel ride involved a ride around the ladies front yard between her house and the highway...not exactly what we had pictured....We made the most of it though and had a good laugh, particularly when she insisted in dressing us all up in Arabian head scarfs. The following day we headed off all a bit cleaner and refreshed but glad to be headed back to the desert and a bit more peace and tranquility.




very cool to read all of your updates and glad to hear all is well with the travellers

  stuck at work Nov 3, 2016 6:17 PM

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