Hey All,
Its 8am, ive been in Los Angeles a little over a day after a flight that seemed never ending. Getting to the flight was the most stressful thing with 2 flat tyres - thanks dad! Lucky the flight was running late so i made it.
Touchdown in Los Angeles at 6.30am to broken customs computers so getting through took a little under 3hrs - i now know why people are so eager to get off the plane so fast!
Getting out of LAX was one experience too, people tryna sell me stuff while i was waiting for my shuttle bus saying stuff like "how would you like to do 1 good deed today" - not the best thing after such a nice flight
Arrived at Radisson Hotel at 10.30 -ish after missing one shuttle bus lol, met some other CCUSA members and started "hanging". We went for a walk around the area, asked one lady for directions and she replied "why would you walk that far, why wouldnt you drive" lol, on the subject of cars, i thought there was some bad drivers in Australia well aussie drivers are amazing compared to the drivers here. Not only are they on the wrong wrong side of the road lol, they lack ability to check blindspots and merge straight into others cars.
Found great amusement in crossing the roads here, being careful to look the right way (or the left way) before crossing, as we found many times some cars just dont stop for walking pedestrians. If it wasnt for Adam (English guy) there woulda been some squashed aussies on the Los Angeles roads lol
After our walk we lunch/dinner which was probably big enough to be our breakfast to at a diner which i cant think of the name right now, ill get back to you on that one, it really was like the movies though.
After much socialisation and probably the best shower i have ever had (amazing how good a shower feels after a massive flight and a day of sightseeing) we hit the beds at 10.30pm and slept n slept n slept ..
Till we got kicked out of our rooms at 7am and sent to the MOST UNHEALTHLY BREAKFAST EVER- donuts anyone? lol no thanks, and now im here typing this. Actually a bit disapointed with Los Angeles, its paved roads, houses (no house looks the same unlike at home where you get simliar house styles in a suburb) and dirt hills (ull understand when you see pics) In half a hour i going to the airport to catch a 12noon flight to Portland ME via Chicago, yay more flying lol, so update when i can next, with pics i hope
xox megs
Weird stuff about here
- every second car is actually a truck/ute/massive thing
- you can buy lottery tickets in vending machines
- tryna work out the cost of things (incorporating tips and tax)