This has been the first full week of teaching. All we do is teach, walk, eat and sleep. On wednesday we taught a group of mother's at my homestay house and this was my favorite teaching so far. It is nice to know that they understand everything that you are saying and that they will remember the important information regarding HIV transmission and prevention. They are coming back next week for more teachings. The school kids are fun to teach and are usually enthusiastic, but the lower levels are too young to grasp very much information and we realized that the lowest two grades that we have been teaching either do not know how to read or can only make out some of the information we put on the board. Our group had a meeting with all the village leaders on monday to schedule some teachings for the upcomming week and to also establish a teasting day in which we will provide free counseling and HIV testing to all that will show up. The village leaders' meeting was four and a half hours and we only scheduled a few community teachings. They asked a ton of questions and some of us are wondering why there is so much resistance to some of the material. Everyone is working very hard and we had a much deserved break this weekend. All the volunteers took a two day safari to Lake Manyara and the Ngronongoro Crater. We saw elephants, giraffes, zebras, wildabeast, buffalo, warthogs, hyenas, lions, hippos and some others. It was very fun, but of course back to work. Another busy week of teachings are ahead of us and now we have four schools, a group of mother's and community groups to teach this week only among four volunteers and three teaching partners/translators. Check out the pictures.