Had a great night, last night, watching Chris's band practice with Karen and Joyce. Very relaxed and friendly atmosphere, (considering I think we the only whites there!).
Very cheap bar, (2 beers and 1 extremely strong rum and coke 3.40).
When the band starts to play, wow, what a sound! 120 people all playing steel pans , of all ages (12 to about 60 I would think). It really was quite amazing.
Carnival Saturday!
Knock on the door from our host, bringing me the biggest and most unusual basket of fruit I have ever seen! It is my birthday present. Bless them, they are so lovely!
We head down town with Karen and Joyce at about 12.30 to watch the children's parade. The beers are being drunk, like there is no tomorrow! All we want is water!! It is so hot, even all the locals are searching for shade. Some of the children are so young, they can be no more than about 2, at the most, all dressed up in their outfits. They walk, god knows how far, to the main show ground, 'The Savannah' to walk across the stage to be judged! You can get seats here, but it is more fun on the street and you can move on when you have had enough. Believe me, there are so many, they literally go on for hours!The costumes are amazing and the music is VERY LOUD! Kids walking on very high stilts are very impressive, some can't be any older than about 7 or 8.
We split up with Karen and Joyce and have a wonder through the city, get some lunch and try to find a taxi home, ha! easier said than done at carnival time! We eventually found the bus terminal, as where we have been standing for the past 20 minutes or so, the buses are all full, as they are coming out of town (at great speed!).
Home for a cool shower and to watch the steel band competition of telly. The competition starts around 7 in the evening. Matt wakes me to watch The All Stars play at 1.20 a.m. Back to bed after a cuppa. (Yippee! They have won for the second year running!).