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A Never-Ending Sky. Mainly writing/photos/videos of India. sumedhaverma.wordpress.com is my travel blog.

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Bombay was a city of sporadic beauty and entertainment. While I was walking outisde of the Jehangir Art Gallery after seeing both tribal Bastar statues and contemporary Indian photography, I saw this cartoonist working his magic much to the delight of the locals who looked on with incredible interest. The cartoonist was one of many artists who sell their artwork outside of the gallery in a public art space for the passers-by to purchase.

INDIA | Thursday, 10 January 2013 | Views [512] | View Larger Image

Bombay was a city of sporadic beauty and entertainment. While I was walking outisde of the Jehangir Art Gallery after seeing both tribal Bastar statues and contemporary Indian photography, I saw this cartoonist working his magic much to the delight of the locals who looked on with incredible interest. The cartoonist was one of many artists who sell their artwork outside of the gallery in a public art space for the passers-by to purchase.

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