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Memories will be made of this.....

Gallery: Syria - Damascus

SYRIA | Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Lebanon

LEBANON | Thursday, 8 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Centre of the Axis of Evil??

SYRIA | Monday, 5 May 2008 | Views [1126]

The last time i wrote, i was just about to go that morning into Syria. I shared a taxi that would stop off in Jerash and Bosra (in Syria) before heading to Damascus, with a French guy and a Dutch mother and daughter. After spending my first week with ... Read more >

Gallery: Syria - More Rocks, Beehives & Hama

SYRIA | Friday, 2 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Sand, Desert, Rocks...Sand, Desert, Rocks...Sand, Desert......

JORDAN | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Views [1986] | Comments [2]

So another year and another little trip to keep me occupied...in the meantime I ventured to Barbados, however apart from getting THE most ridiculous tan and going to the sister bar of my favourite in Leeds, I can't think of too much else to say about ... Read more >

Gallery: Jordan - Amman, Dead Sea & Jerash

JORDAN | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Jordan - Petra & Wadi Rum

JORDAN | Tuesday, 29 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Nepal - Annapurna Base Camp

NEPAL | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Nepal - The Annapurna Road

NEPAL | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

All the Annapurna Bits....Except for MBC and ABC
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Gallery: Nepal - The Last Resort

NEPAL | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Bungee Jump Paradise
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Gallery: Nepal - Kathmandu

NEPAL | Monday, 29 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Sweating in the Annapurnas!

NEPAL | Saturday, 27 Oct 2007 | Views [1092] | Comments [1]

The last (and first episode) of this was all about a bit of daredevil jumping off cliffs etc. and i had arrived in Pokora for the 8 day trek to Annapurna Base Camp. The organisation of this was a bit of a farce to say the least (something you come to ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Searching for Kath's In Kathmandu

NEPAL | Wednesday, 10 Oct 2007 | Views [1753] | Video

It may have been over two years, however the time has come (for those who don't know) for another travelogue...this time its Nepal.  I'm still (even after 4 days of being here) why i decided to go to Nepal (or none that i can mention at the moment!).  ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Gallery: China

CHINA | Sunday, 2 Oct 2005 | Photo Gallery

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The Short Road Home

CHINA | Sunday, 2 Oct 2005 | Views [593]

Well..unbelievably its very near time to head back to Sunny Leeds and face the computer on a daily basis once more.  The last week has been far the quietest and also the most bizarre.   After leaving the serenity of Lijiang, I got a flight to Shanghai ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Dicing With The Big Drop

CHINA | Sunday, 25 Sep 2005 | Views [761]

Well it just continues to be a mad dash around China.  After leaving the email the other day, i went to the 'opera' in Chengdu.  It turned out that it was less of a traditional opera and more of a Chinese variety performance, with lots of spinning of ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Anyone For Duck??!

CHINA | Tuesday, 20 Sep 2005 | Views [515]

Well - its been a long time, but i'm finally getting back in touch with the many people i've met along the years and have kept far too infrequent contact with.....that obviously means that i'm up to something less mundane than sitting behind a desk and ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 17 May 2004 | Views [475]

As a few people have asked, in true Nick Hornby style here are my top-5's (and a few top-10's where it's been a bit hard to get it down).   TOP 10 SITES / THINGS TO DO 1.  Machu Picchu, Peru 2.  Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina 3.  Uyuni Salt Flats, ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Islas Galapagos

ECUADOR | Monday, 3 May 2004 | Views [674]

Well this is the last one.  After 4 and a bit months of travelling and seeing some amazing things, meeting wonderful people and all that, it is time to venture back home and join the dole queue.   The last week has been spent on the Galapagos Islands ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Inca Trail

PERU | Friday, 23 Apr 2004 | Views [819]

Well - one of the best weeks of the trip so far...   After a couple of days in Cusco, we travelled back to the Peru-Bolivia border to go to Puno and check Lake Titicaca out.  Lake Titicaca is set at about 3,500 metres (in attitude terms).  After taking ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

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