All registered.
What a mess. But it's all cleaned up now.
I will say that I am taking 20 credit hours this fall. PHYSICS 346, MATH 344 (calculus involved), SM 445 (Science projects), EES 346 (Earth Systems) and HST 102 (Europe 14th-16th? 18th?).
Casey? Remember Winter 2007 and the night of frustration/panic and that crazy psychotic physics professor? There will be encores of that (Calc and Phy?) and your help will be called upon.
Carper? Remember the celebration that ensued when I squeezed by with a B in that same Physics class? Prepare for another celebration of similar sorts circa November 2008. This time it doesn't have to involve Russ Engineering Center though. (Not that you boys working on circuits and outlets and mechanics and physics and crickets and biggots and - I'm running out of "its" - wasn't THRILLNG)
But yea...the quarter from hell (and I still have to find time to eat lunch with my mom AND work) I'm not saying it will be pretty.
I'm not saying it will be fun.
But I'm saying it's happening. So deal.
Damn science and maths and their sequential-ness.
In other news, I think I officially crossed over into nerd-ville. My ecological footprint paper didn't have a word requirement. So I calculated the words needed based on the percentage of my grade my timber plantations paper was, and the number of words that were required for that paper.
I reached it with no problem. The question it good?
The subtle Kanye reference is for good luck, love Papa Cross.
Bed time.