I need to tell all about my adventures at of Machhu Picchu and the Sacred Valley.
Some detail is required but will fill in the blanks over the next few days.
So today..I´m in fantastic hotel...must recommned it The Inkaterra in Agua Calenties, the nearsest village to Macchu Picchu...I got an upgrad on my room..hurrah!...I have a graden and an open fire...lovely.
I have just crossed the railway line to use the internet terminals...nothing to worry about.trains come about every hour and its only a few paces across.
So to be breif...did a set tour this morning around the ruins at Macchu picchu, which is one of the newest 7 wonders of the world....very informative guide who has written 5 books.
Then I trekked up to the ínka bridge´...great trek, hiked with a couple from Adelaide...Penny & Rob. What a glorous view. I have taken so many pictures they simply won´t fit on my USB memory stick.
I have yet to decide which was the best view. At the end of a tiring day..I simply sat on top of one of thee many teraaces and took in the views..not taking photos, not talking to others, not moving..just being still and amazed by God´s creation and his glory.
There is more to tell...but I´m off to dinner with a couple of Aus girls..Wendy and Sandy.
Oh tomorrow..more hiling, perhaps a sauna and then the orchid sanctuary before I leave for Cusco on root to the jungle..yeahh!