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Of parrots and caimans

PERU | Thursday, 25 October 2007 | Views [974] | Comments [4]

So...I´m back from the jungle, writing this journal in the VIP lounge ( a very nice one too) in Lima - Lucky me.

My apolgies for no communication over the last three days - there was no electicity or reception for molbiles...we were in the jungle after all.

This part of my trip will have to be the absolute highlight of Peru.

The lodge was set in the dense forest 2 -3 hours up river Tampabota in the Peruvian Amazon basin and large structure of 35 rooms all without windows or walls for that mattter open to the actual jungle. I have some photos and a mini movie of teh sunds of the jungle to post for you to get a little glimpse of what is was like. The rooms were lit by candles and there was only cold water for showers...but who needs a hot shower, it was very hot and humid, meaning that on a single day you could shower 4 or 5 times.

I was initially witha group of very lovely people ...Indian born, but living in La for the last 30 years...but they took ´high maintenance to a whole new level. They were in shock, complained and exclaimed the following (often)..

a) the bugs..¨why are there so many bugs, I would enjoy it more if there were no bugs´

b) the amenities...´What no electiticty, I expected a 5 star lodge with at leastbteh basic amenties...whereever you go in the world you have electricty´

c)the activites...Óh no, 5am is too early to get up and see the parrot clay lick, especially if it means a 3 hour boat ride! Slept all day most days..we just want to rest. (basically

d) The wildlife....´we expected the animals and birds right around us here..like on the discovery channel. I didn´t expect to wait hours to see anything´.

e) the room...´what ! no hot water, hoe can I wash my hair´´

f) wildlife again...Áre there snakes in the jungle?...do these bugs sting?... AAHHH is that a jumping frog? Is it poisonous?

Ahhh you hear my cry...save me please someone take me away! You had to be there to see and hear the comments...´Hello, will someone please tell them it´s jungle as in wildlife, flora and bugs¨! even poisonous snakes!

Although I got on with them...I was crying out to have my adventure experience...fortunately my guide had it all susssed and arranged for

a) me to join their football game..guides v the stff (0-8 the score). So I got to meet staff and workers.. a little off the tourist plane. Another guest even thought I had worked at the lodge... so I really settled in.

B) to join another group with friends I had previously made for activities such as hiking, night walk, etc

So despite managing ´lovely, high maintenance Amercians without going crazy (thank you Jesus)...here are some highlights...the wildlife I saw and what I got up to




Red Macraw

Otehr birds...I can´t remember all their names.

A large black caiman (crocdile family) whilst out pirahna fishing!

small balck poisonous frogs

tree frog


Bats in my room..most irriatting as they wake you up in the middle of teh night when flying in and out of rooms.

A 500 yr tree - iron wood, I think is the English name

medicinal planst

A fruit farm...I tried fruits I hadn´t evne heard of.

...and other amazing creatures and flora I either cannmot remembe or pronounce.

The best highlight was lat night on a night hike and boat trip looking for caiman. We found at least 4 or 5...of both black caiman and white caimen. The guide with us treated us and caught a small caiman..for us to pet..absolutly amazing. (he was not supposed to do that really..but it was quite a thrill)

I´m now awaiting my flight to Buenos Aires..then onto Rio. I´ll check in over next few days. There is so much more to tell...

Adios...until Rio

Love Marcie

Tags: The Great Outdoors



Wow. I'm completely jealous. Was going to say I'll definitely go back with you until you mantion the BATS IN YOUR ROMM!!!!! OH...MY...GOD!! It's sounds amazing though. Would LOVE to have met your American friends.

RIO GIRL!!! Don the bikini and bring me back a rich American heir!

  Evie Oct 25, 2007 8:01 PM


Bats - oh hell noo!!
But hell yes I will definitely go back with you and you thought I was high maintenance!!!

  Jack Oct 25, 2007 9:43 PM


Hi Marcie!
I'm with the Yanks. Anything with no legs or more than two legs needs to respect my personal space! What an adventure! It sounds like you are having the best time. I spent a few days in Jersey and saw a green lizard on a castle wall. I'm not jealous!
Take care! Viv xxx

  Viv Oct 26, 2007 7:04 PM


Well ladies..looks as though its a group trip to the jungle!! yeah!!. The bats aren´t so bad...they just wake you up at 3 in the morning..when your planning to get up a 4am to fish for piranha.
Did I mention the possums? moths ? (only one or two though)

I have a better understaning of high maintenance now Jack...the next level is "LA ...´are the bugs`or snakes in the jungle?" style.

Evie...American or Brazilian? you choose girl.

I´ll write up more in my stories. Luv ya!

  marcia Oct 29, 2007 9:11 AM

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