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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

status update - Arrived safely in Bangkok

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 8 November 2008 | Views [309]

catching a bus tomorrow (9th) at 8am local time to Siem Riep, Cambodia. Have an ll hour bus ride to look foward to! Just passing through Bangkok until I return in mid January - good job as I managed to get the runs at HK airport (must be something about airports as I got the runs last time at HK airport!!) and so spent most of the day just hanging out at my hostel (read in the loo) for fear of getting caught short. Feel like I have wasted a day but I guess there are bound to be days of not doing much. That said, I did manage to lighten the load of my back pack a little. Out went my M & S Jim Jam bottoms as my bro gave me an Indian outfit which men wear in India called a "Kortha" and the bottoms are brill to wear at night to keep those mozzies away! So did the extra pages of my travel guide relating to countries I wont be visiting (this time at least) ie Phillipines, East Timor etc. Also binned the "refreshing" footspray which I thought (in england) was a good idea as no doubt my feet would need some TLC from all that walking? I should have listened to my cousin (in spain) who has been travelling herself and told me not to take it. I can hear her say 'I told you so' after I also chucked the the manicure set which comes in a little case of its own which she also told me to leave at home. A T shirt and a few other bits of bobs were further casualties but all have significantly reduced the pack's weight, which incidentally weighed in at 22.1 KG at HK airport on the 7th!! The She-wee remains however as I cant give my mate Morag the satisfaction of getting rid of it just yet (I am sure its time will come ;-)

Having bought myself a lap top, I am in hostel which has no free wi fi connection so yours truely is back on the ole communal pc which is painfully slow. Not sure when I will be able to log in again and may be out of contact for a few days.

Thats all for now folks




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