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Mags in the Rainforest The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everybody else!

My arrival in Lima

PERU | Thursday, 9 August 2007 | Views [633] | Comments [4]

Hi everyone.....as you know arrived safe and sound. After settling in to our budget hotel two pounds n fifty pence per night sorry actually its one pound and sixty pence a night, still learning to convert the currency. (no pound sign on this keyboard). Went to a very posh hotel in Lima for drinks and a snack, l think they cost a lot more than my digs!. A lot of the buildings here are colonial with a strong spanish influence both in design and fixtures and fittings. The roads are hair raisingly scary! I,ve never seen so much traffic, some of the main roads appear to be about five lanes per side, so crossing is an adventure in itself. people dont appear to follow each other in lanes they drive anywhere! Been to visit a local fishmarket where l saw lots of Pelicans hanging around waiting for scraps. . Didnt recognise a lot of the fish there. Not seen much of Lima yet, not really a city person, its like a lot of major cities in parts, grimy, smoky and busy! Hopefully l,ll get round to visiting the museum, Limas great as a base though to stop off pick up or exchange clothes etc from my main suitcase, the hotel is kind enough to store your luggage in a storage room. Am looking forward to going out to Satipo which is a colonist town on the edge of the lower amazon. The town l believe is made up mainly of rainforest mountain people. Am looking forward to going to the places where hardly any tourists go, l,m so fortunate to be  visiting the hiddens gems of Peru and meeting a lot of indigenous communities. Got my jungle experience coming up, hope l,m up to it physically....the weather in Lima at present is like our autumn. The next place is tropical so l will need a day or two to acclimatise, Mike booked our coach tickets today, his daughter Yaz and her friend Loz may be joining us on the expedition, they did the first one in June, Loz took video equipment, cameras etc to film the Ashaninkas in thier mountain villages. This is all in aid of supporting these people to retain thier way of life in the rainforest. Coach sets off  at 9pm for an overnight trip over the Andes...approx 12hrs. Be interesting to see if l,m affected with the altitude, also wondering what these mountain roads are like? Yes as you probably can tell l,m excited and still adjusting to being here, and is this for real! Well folks next stop Satipo! Comments much appreciated....lovely to read them when l log on and know that l,ve plenty of company on my journey. xxxx

Tags: On the Road



Hi Margaret,
The roads must really be scary if it's worse than going through Manchester when the football is on!
Going to see Eckhart Tolle on 1st September - booked our train today - not as fabulous as your trip I know, but it'll do for now lol!
Can't wait to hear all about your whole experience both on here & when u get back (you are coming back eventually are you?)
Take care - thinking of you


  Rowena Aug 19, 2007 2:22 AM


Hi Mags

Its good to hear from you. Lima sounds great but like you say its meeting the people who live out of the cities that is the real thrill. Such a different way of life , there must be lots to learn from them about what's important and what isn't. Watched the film of Celestine Prophecy the other day and kept thinking of you. Don't forget to build your energy from the wonderful surroundings in the rainforest and if you find any ancient documents hang on to em!
Its raining here, surprise, surprise! Missing you and yet glad you're there at the same time. Can't wait to hear more. Take care cos you're worth it.
lotsa love
Jen xxxxxxx

  Jen Aug 20, 2007 2:44 AM


Hi Mags, Glad to hear you are okay and enjoying yourself. Lima sounds very interesting I didnt realise it was such a big city, I am sure you will find the museums facinating. Looking forward to reading about your jungle experiences. I have a few days under the stars to look forward to next month with some friends.
Bye for now
Sarah xxx

  Sarah Aug 21, 2007 5:31 AM


Hello traveller!

Hows its going on the road?! Guess you must be in Cusco now, hope the journey was okay. Enjoy the rest of your adventure...not long now till your home! Everybody asking how you are getting on in Peru, and they can't wait to hear all about your stories on the road! Try and give us an update soon if you can. Speak to you soon lots of love & hugs Sheree xxxxxxxxx

  Sheree Aug 30, 2007 2:47 AM

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