This - for now - will be a placeholder. The second day in Lisbon we did a lot of walking, some sightseening on the28, and had a wonderful dinner.
Jared wants to make sure I add something about Europea fashion at some point in this journal. This after a day of seeing "Zebra ass" all over Lisbon. This girl's zebra print pants were so tight that I finally understood my 6th grade teacher's expression "her pants were so tight they were painted on." You could see the creases of her bottom, as well as her front bottom (as my friend Janice's son would say: front bottom).
On the Paris metro we saw this girl wearing the shortest non-tight shorts. Just as sometimes you can see side-boob with dresses, or "underboob" with short shirts, this girl showed a lot of under-ass. Well, the bottom half of her ass was hanging out of her shorts. Jared was staring, but he had every right - it was hard not to look. I think he was looking because, as he told me later, it was a nice looking ass. I was looking because I thought it was a complete and utter train wreck. Not only was her ass hanging out, but she had a deep gash on her ass - red and inflamed cut - which made it virtually impossible to look away. How did she get that cut? Was it because she sat down with no protection on her ass? Can she feel the wind on her cut as she walks around Paris? Is the reason she iswearing he ridiculous shorts because the cut hurts so much she couldn't hae fabric touching it? These questions will never be answered.
I'm sure Jared can chime in and give his 2 cents...