So Much to Offer
INDONESIA | Wednesday, 17 September 2014 | Views [320] | Comments [2] | Scholarship Entry
Every moment offers a little bit of magic, if one chooses to look closely enough. An adventure awaits all who open their hearts and minds to it. This is the beauty of travel and film. The present moment focus of film amplifies previously overlooked magical moments and projects them onto a world stage for all to see. A seed is planted, and as a result transformation slowly occurs. Viewpoints revolutionize regarding life and the magnitude of the moment. Manifestation, magic and energy become a part of our daily vocabulary. We begin to embrace how precious our existence really is and to take not one second more for granted but instead invest our energies into right now.
Within the mix of travel and filmmaking exists the possibility to reinvent the concept of living by challenging and inspiring others to dream big and take a proverbial “leap of faith” and fly. Fly into a life of adventure, love, possibility, synchronicity and creation.
This opportunity would provide me the foundation I need to move forward towards the fruition of my dreams. It would foster a new beginning and a platform where I can openly express my creativity and unique thought processes, all the while doing something I love, travel. This fortuity would change life as I currently know it and open doors to incredible new ways of being!
Tags: 2014 Travel Film Scholarship to Mexico