Y vaya como empezamos! No se lo que vendrá después, pero esto ya es una aventura: Llegamos al aeropuerto a las 5:20am y nos encontramos con el vuelo Santiago-Madrid cancelado y nos mandan a Coruña a ver si llegamos al vuelo de las 6:50. Nos jugamos la vida para llegar al aeropuerto de Coruña por la autopista completamente helada, eso si, nos toco el taxista mas enrollado y espabilado de la zona compostelana, y nos hizo pasar un buen rato. Como el decía, “llegamos con la ayuda de Dios, bueno, con la ayuda de Dios y si nosotros ponemos los medios”. Y al final...llegamos!!!!!
El vuelo Madrid-San Jose se nos hizo muy largo (en total mas de 13 horas incluyendo los retrasos) y llegamos sobre las 6 pm. Tambien tardamos mucho en que nos dieran el coche de alquiler, con lo que al final, nos pusimos en ruta a Monteverde a eso de las 8:30. Nos perdimos iniciamente y perdimos unos "minutillos" hasta que nos volvimos a encontrar, a Fuco casi le da un ataque y le salian culebras por la boca, pero recupero la calma despues de hacer un giro de 180grados en plena autopista (no habia mediana) porque sino teniamos que hacer 65 km en sentido contrario. Despues todo fue bien hasta que llegamos al ultimo tramo de 34km de carretera rural hasta llegar al destino en Monteverde. Que fue de autentica pesadilla, casi acaban con nosotros... baches, eso no eran baches, eran bocas de metro, parecia que ibamos en barco, subiendo y bajando olas. Tambien nos paramos a mirar las estrellas que eran una pasada!!! Bueno, el caso es que a medianoche por fin llegamos al destino y caimos inconscientes en la cama...
Y ahora...Dia 1 - Monteverde
What a start! We don't know what lies ahead, but this is already an adventure. We arrived at the airport at 5:20am only to find our flight to Madrid cancelled. They sent us to the nearest airport (about 40min away) to try to make it for the 6:50 am but the road conditions were terrible. I think it snows once a year in Santiago, and it had to be yesterday night. At least we were lucky and got the coolest taxi driver, and he said: “We'll make it with God's help...well, with God's help and if we provide the means” and guess what? We made it!!! and we only had to risk our lifes in the frozen road!!! Just kidding.
The flight to San Jose was really long (more than 13 h including all the delays) and we arrived at around 6pm. They took their time to give us the rental car too, so we finally set out to Monteverde at around 8:30pm. Initially we got lost, and we wasted a “few minutes” trying to find ourselves. Fuco was apoplectic and apparently it was my fault, but calm was restored when he made a Uturn in the middle of the highway, otherwise we would have had to go 65 km in the wrong direction...After that everything went well until the last 34km which were through an unpaved country road, full of holes. What a nightmare, those were not holes they were subway entraces. Good part is, we stopped in the middle of nowhere to watch the stars which were amazing!!! Anyway, we finally made it to Monteverde at midnight and collapsed on the bed, I think Fuco was asleep before he put his head on the pillow :)
And now...Day 1 - Monteverde