Hola a todos,
Estamos en ascuas...el día antes del viaje a Costa Rica y resulta que igual nos cancelan el Santiago-Madrid por el tiempo y no llegamos al enlace!!! Como el vuelo tendría que ser a las 6:35am cuando leais esto ya estaremos, o en Madrid o tirandonos de los pelos...en fin, habra que tener paciencia...
Bueno, a lo interesante...que nos vamos a Costa Rica y si todo va bien podreis seguir nuestras aventurillas en este blog. Lo iremos actualizando cuando podamos y subiendo alguna que otra foto para teneros entretenidos. Deseadnos suerte!
Besos, Fuco y Elena
PS: mientras no cruzamos el charco y no tenemos nada que contaros podeis ir viendo el del viaje a Chile (los que no lo hayais visto)
Dear all,
We're counting down the hours...in about a day we'll be in Costa Rica. That, if we manage to fly out of Santiago. We've had really bad weather (for here) today and many flights were cancelled, so we are hoping we will make it in time for our connection in Madrid. But no point in fretting, nothing we can do about it...
So let's focus on the positive, sometime tomorrow or the day after we'll be in Costa Rica!!! As before, you can follow us in this blog. We will be posting our adventures here whenever we can and uploading pictures as we go. We'd love to hear from you. Best regards, Elena & Fuco
PS: Since we don't have anything interesting to show yet you can have a look at our previous blog: http://journals.worldnomads.com/eburguera