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For we had no road. //

Quantum Mechanics

HONDURAS | Thursday, 14 August 2014 | Views [269] | Scholarship Entry

For me travel documenting is setting on an adventure, wherever you go, that will help you not only explore the world, but yourself. It is getting in direct contact with the world, becoming one with it, and then sharing it with the world. There are a million places that you could explore in the world as there are uncountable stories that people tell about these place. And that, for me, is the magic of travel documenting and filmmaking: that no two people will reflect their learnings from travel in the same way. My filmmaking experience includes documenting personal road trips, documentary filmmaking, and editing short films for an art and culture magazine I run. Winning this scholarship, to me, would mean winning the chance to go on an adventure. And most importantly, winning an opportunity to immerse myself in a new story to be told to the world.

Tags: 2014 Travel Film Scholarship to Mexico

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