ROMANIA | Sunday, 13 January 2013 | Views [1729] | View Larger Image
Dr. John Akeroyd, a British botanist and a UK Wildlife Trusts consultant, since 2000 regularly visits Transylvania. He is working on the project Protecting Romanian's lost world. Together with Romanian scientists, he made a study in which he declares having encountered at least eight ancient meadow, moorland and marshland communities of plants, all very rich in species. Sixty percent of the Rosia Montana area is covered by flowery meadows. Amongst the flowers, six species of meadow orchids are endangered in Romania. The British botanist was dazzled by the rich variety of Asplenium septentrionale he has seen here. Local people and committed supporters are still struggling to get sustainable development that could protect this unique heritage for Romania and all Europeans so that its miracle could mesmerize us in the future as well.
Tags: rosia montana, romania