About lauracook
I believe in the power of storytelling. The finest stories are the ones that are real; authentic stories of hope, life, loss and love. I am a photographer because I believe that an image can speak a thousand words and that by sharing stories we can move others into action.
I am deeply motivated by my faith and personal ethics and have confidence in a generation of photographers that can portray people’s stories in a dignified and beautiful way. I see my work as a photographer as an expression of my Christian faith. I am happy working alongside people of all faiths or none but also believe that as a Christian I have a duty to show compassion and love to all I come in contact with. Through the images I create I hope to promote a vision of a world worth loving by others.
I care about making sure the voice of some of the world's poorest people is heard. I believe the way we work alongside people can have a powerful impact on those that participate in and those that view the visual messages we produce. I want to keep finding stories and being inspired by the global 'face in the crowd'. It is time to strip away the negative images of so many countries and replace them with hope. Working in communications roles in international development NGOs I found that there is a need to change the public perception of the work carried out by these organisations. Life for many in the world is a struggle but you can still find beauty, grace and hope within those situations.
My personal vision ties in well with that of the International Guild of Visual Peacekeepers. I feel that photography goes beyond talking about technique and should explore the journey we are on as human beings in this world. As a photographer I have a commitment to displaying images that build bridges of peace and understanding but I am also keen to keep learning and drawing inspiration from others. I love meeting with and connecting with new people; through collaboration I believe we can achieve change in our world
My Travel Map: