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The Riding Dutchman Year and a half of preparation and I came up with a highly detailled plan: Hop on the KTM in Costa Rica and head North... Central America; here I come...

About lars_dijk

I decided to quit my job in Holland in August 2008 to go on a Journey around the World. Hopped on a container vessel and traveled to Costa Rica where a friend and I started a wakeboarding school (www.flyzone-cr.com). Initially wanted to stay for 6 months and that ended up being a year and a half. Time flies when you're having fun!  Now I sold my shares and will get back on track for the travels...

Recently I bought a motorcycle (KTM 640 LC4) and will travel through Central America and North America as of the beginning of April 2010. (I know it's not really a Journey around the World, but you gotta start somewhere right?)

My plans have changed quite a bit since I left home, so time will tell where I'll end up next. I'll just follow my own nose and try to keep it pointed North. One thing Costa Rica has teached me: Pura Vida is the way to go...

So I'm sucking up all the beautiful places, their different cultures with 'weird' habbits and 'strange' foods, enjoy meeting people along the way and basically just living life to the max because: Tempus volat, carpe omnius...