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Do they know?

INDIA | Tuesday, 8 June 2010 | Views [262]

Do they know?

Do they know that you won't be able to take it with you? Do they know that the larger their house is the more you have to clean? Or, the more you'll have to pay someone else to clean. Do they know that even if you drive a hybrid car, it doesn't negate every violence you do to the earth, or other people? 

Do they know that their children don't care? And may never know, unless they are taught?

Do they know that their children don't carry themselves with respect? Do they know they're spoiling their children by giving them everything they want and that the faster they drive or the more they spend on their car is not proportional to happiness indicators? Do they know that homeless people sleep on the street and across the freeway there is barely enough money for paper and pencils. And resources are being depleted faster as a result of consumer culture and perhaps they should wear their clothes until they are not good, instead of until they are out of fashion. 

Do they know?

Do they choose to look away, do they choose to ignore, or do they choose to be complicit? Do they choose to rise, or do they choose to sit.

Is there something I don't know?

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