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oh, the places you'll go

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

In Muskoka, Ontario, you'll face  your dragons, or just see the most breath-taking wildlife. It's my home for new adventures. Every year I go back, and it's the same. Every year I go back, and I create a beginning of bravery. Turtles are easily my favourite animals, maybe because I am a little envious of them,  with their laid-back lives. I feel like I live in a sea of changing currents, going with the flow, yet always struggling to reach the surface.

CANADA | Saturday, 12 January 2013 | Views [151] | View Larger Image

In Muskoka, Ontario, you'll face your dragons, or just see the most breath-taking wildlife. It's my home for new adventures. Every year I go back, and it's the same. Every year I go back, and I create a beginning of bravery. Turtles are easily my favourite animals, maybe because I am a little envious of them, with their laid-back lives. I feel like I live in a sea of changing currents, going with the flow, yet always struggling to reach the surface.

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