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On the Loose - My South East Asia Adventure My travel adventure through South East Asia starts on the 16 April 07, and includes a little side-trip to New Zealand to begin with. On the 31 July I will be landing at Zurich Airport in an attempt to try and settle back into life in my country of origin. If you want to know where the road of travel is leading me then read on. I will try and update this journal as often as possible so that everyone with a genuine interest is able to share some of the experiences I'll encounter. Sit back and relax, over a cold beer or a glass of wine, and enjoy!

KL - First Impressions

MALAYSIA | Friday, 27 April 2007 | Views [953] | Comments [4]

After 5 days in New Zealand and another 1.5 days in Sydney I finally managed to catch the plane to Singapore on 24 April 2007! Short stop over in a city hotel as I arrived late at night and straight to KL the next day with the first flight!

So here I am now, in the middle of the hustle and bustle of busy Kuala Lumpur, trying to acclimatise and settle in.

First impressions


Traffic lights mainly don't work and if they do, no one cares what the colour on the box is anyway...you just walk across when you see a small gap, and hope that the approaching driver sees you and will slow down:-)

Don't ever wait for a gap big enough to feel totally safe to cross as you'll be standing on the same bloody spot still 3 hours later...

The big junctions have traffic lights that are intact but there's normally two or three traffic contollers standing in the middle of the junction directing the cars...I have no idea what the lights are for as really no one seems to care...


Taxi drivers are annoying as they won't leave you alone and usually need 2 or 3 times a firm 'no' until they understand...Some of them are unliscensed and will charge you more than you'd really have to pay...modifying the meter when you don't watch etc.

I reckon that discovering the city by foot is the best thing to do. Most of the attractions are pretty close together anyway. Otherwise there's a good train network which is really cheap, not to forget the buses which are a little crazy (drivers) but will get you from A to B.

I've done most of my sightseeing over the last 2 days by foot - actually I think I've spent about 6 hours walking each day. Long enough to have sore mussels last night...and a little reminder of the times when I was training for the Oxfam:-) By the time I'm finished with my trip I'm probably going to be ready to run the 100km:-)


KL really is a shoppers paradise and I feel kind of sorry for myself that I'm here during the beginning of my trip rather than at the end:-) Oh well, there's always the opportunity to send something home I guess.

From the branded goods through to rustic handicrafts, foodstuffs to electronic equipement etc. KL has it all!

There's a few good shopping centers and then there are the markets in Little India and Chinatown which are great and a must-see! Only thing is not get annoyed with the stall owners. You can't take a foot step without someone yelling from somewhere "Mam, mam, new watch...", "Mam, handbag for you?", "Mam, hungry today"? etc. etc. etc. The best option is to just ignore it, don't even look. If you're interested you can go and have a look, and then just say 'no', firmly but nicely, and with a smile, and leave again...

Chinatown's market (where I have been staying the last two nights) opens up at around 11am in the mornings, and transforms into a night market at around 5pm. In the evenings the entire street which is then closed off to traffic is full of stalls on both sides. It is so crowded I had to take a detour a few times to get to my hotel because I couldn't cross the road where I wanted to...You have to see this for yourself - it's great:-)

Also, a short stroll to the supermarket early in the morning is a must. I went to UO this morning to buy an adapter...electronics are on floor 4 so I took the escalaters upstairs...and on every floor there was a group of 4 staff, ususally a mix between woman and man, who stand to both sides of the escalaters and greet you with a smile as they are saying 'good morning mam' when you get off:-)

Maybe our supermarkets in OZ and CH could learn something here:-)

Food & Drink

I did eat in a couple of restaurants in Chinatown and around the large shopping areas the first day, but the food is quite expensive (for Malaysian terms) compared to the hawker-type stuff you get on the street...so I now go where the locals go. A meal costs between $3-6RM, that's around AUD$1-2...i.e. 'nothing'.

In many places there seems to be a dual price system, as in most South East Asian countries I guess, i.e. the locals pay less than you do... But one can't really complain I think, at the end of the day it is all still very cheap for us...

Only problem is that the people in the hawker stalls often don't speak much English, so you're best to just have a look at the food and point at whatever you want:-)

In terms of drinking: It's so hot and humid that 3 liters of water easily go down your throat every day! Alcohol is something to spare for the weekend...it's very expensive (given this is a muslim country where most people don't drink...), sometimes hard to get (only in touristy areas), and won't make you feel all too great if you have it in the midst of the hot afternoon sun...


I read in my lonely planet guidebook when I was planning the trip to SEA that there are a number of scams in place...and yep, after only two days in KL I can definitely confirm that this applies to KL as well.

I got approached by about 4 different people yesterday...who first made a compliment about the bracelet I was wearing on my wrist, then asked where I bought it, and once you tell them where they say, oh, you live there... and if you confirm that, then they tell you about a cousin, sister, uncle, friend etc. who just happends to have planned a holiday or relocation to exactely that place you named... they then try to talk you into meeting them for a drink, or go for dinner, etc. and it all ends up in gambling where you lose a hell lot of money.

I didn't remember the gambling bit when I got approached but I smelled the rat when the first young lady wanted to meet me for a drink after we had only a quick chat on the street for a few minutes (her friend and/or boyfriend looked a little quirky too...), and was 100% sure something was wrong when I got approached the second time, by another woman with the same story i.e. some friend who was planning a trip to Melbourne...

I said to her that I thought it was funny as she'd be the second person today whom I met who has a friend that is going to Melbourne and gave her the 'I know exactely what you are doing-look'. She didn't take it that well, muttered something along the lines: It's not funny a lot of Malaysians want to go to Australia, see, but it's very espensive... 


(It seems the scammers are mainly from the Philippines though, rather than Malaysians...).

You really have to be careful and alert here...

Malaysia's King

Under Malaysia's rotational monarchy, the heads of each of the nine states occupy the throne for five years. The king's role is largely ceremonial, with power in the hands of parliament and the prime minister. Malaysia is the only country in the world to have a rotating monarchy.

Malaysia has enthroned its 13th king, Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, at the national palace (Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samed) yesterday. The sultan is the former ruler of the oil-rich Terengganu state and os is one of the youngest heads of state Malaysia has ever had.

And I'm disappointed that I missed the ceremony because of the cold I just caught...:-( thanks to my new friend 'aircon'. Feeling pretty average at the moment and am on medication... (note: I've got a huge tupperware box with me with all sorts of medication, but nothing for a simple flu...it's all the way isn't it?!).

Further Plans

I will go to Melakka tomorrow to have a look around the first settlement on the peninsula in the 1400s... Melakka is basically the birthplace of Malaysia! Then another day in KL to do some more sightseeing and then I will make my way up to the hill stations of the Cameron Highlands to drink tea with the locals and do some more walking:-)

So long...Take care! I will too:-)

Photos to follow, once I have a few more on my memory card and it's worth burning them onto a CD...

Tags: City Life



Hello frau

How excellent. I am extremely jealous. It's nearly lunch time here and my mouth is watering thinking about the food over there. Isn't it great. Do they still sell drinks on the roadside in plastic bags?

Glad you are on the case with the scammers. I think that's half the fun however. I would hate to have been that woman on the end of the Frau Farbissina look that you gave her. Scarey!

We are missing you already. Chat soon.


  David Apr 30, 2007 12:37 PM


Hello Davidee:-)

Yes, they still sell water in plastic bags...I got one the other night when I returned home from a clubbing nite at around 4am in the morning:-)
Just outside the hostel is a hawker place that is open all night and I ordered a curry and water...and was pretty surprised when it came in the plastic bag rather than a bottle...
My far more Asia-experienced travel mates from the hostel said the face I made when the hawker handed the bag with the water over was priceless:-)
I still haven't figured out how you best place the bag on the floor so that it won't fall over...haha.

As for the scammers: I'm just surprised how many there are...and they really are everywhere (at least whereever the tourists are...and of course single travels are the easiest pray - with my blond hair and blue eyes I find it really difficult to hide my western origin...:-)).

  la_gitana_pequena Apr 30, 2007 3:50 PM


The Travel blog is a good idea Nadine. Doesnt take long to get into the backpacking around Asia routine. Bumping into the same folk in different places. Never got to the Cameron Highlands How was that?


  Joe May 1, 2007 4:55 PM


Hello Joe,

Cameron Highlands was an absolut highlight for me so far. I loved it!

Read the article I wrote if you get a chance!


  la_gitana_pequena May 9, 2007 3:12 AM

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Coogee Beach - Sydney - Australia

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