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On the Loose - My South East Asia Adventure My travel adventure through South East Asia starts on the 16 April 07, and includes a little side-trip to New Zealand to begin with. On the 31 July I will be landing at Zurich Airport in an attempt to try and settle back into life in my country of origin. If you want to know where the road of travel is leading me then read on. I will try and update this journal as often as possible so that everyone with a genuine interest is able to share some of the experiences I'll encounter. Sit back and relax, over a cold beer or a glass of wine, and enjoy!


There are [0] photos and [5] stories about Malaysia


Thursday, 19 Jul 2007 | Views [1294]

DIVING ON SIPADAN - nothing short of awesome!!! On the 1 July 2007 I flew from Ho Chi Minh (yes, I know, my Vietnam travel reports are still outstanding...) to Tawau in Malaysian Borneo, Sabah's main town of the Southeast, where I got picked up by ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Pulau Langkawi

Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Views [2657] | Comments [1]

Having been sick of the sleezyness of the late-night crowd in Georgetown's China-town I decided after 2 days to move on to Langkawi about which I saw a documentary once on the travel channel back in Sydney, for a bit of relaxation time and beach life, ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

The Hill Stations

Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [2169] | Comments [3]

Just arrived in Penang yesterday arvo after a long (5hours or so) busride from the Cameron Highlands, and am close to dying because it's so hot here! Bus left 45 minutes late and broke down after only 2 hours...Welcome to South East Asia:-) I went to ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Taman Negara National Park

Saturday, 5 May 2007 | Views [1283]

Taman Negara means "National Park" in Malay, and sprawls over 430,000 hectares (100,000 acres) of lush rainforest across three states, with the bulk being in the state of Pahang. There are three aboriginal tribes living in the area, the Senoi ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

KL - First Impressions

Friday, 27 Apr 2007 | Views [943] | Comments [4]

After 5 days in New Zealand and another 1.5 days in Sydney I finally managed to catch the plane to Singapore on 24 April 2007! Short stop over in a city hotel as I arrived late at night and straight to KL the next day with the first flight! So here ... Read more >

Tags: City Life



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