Hi Again Everybody -
Since we last visited, Marlene’s brother Mike and his wonderful girl friend Jenny have visited. Great fun!
We have odds and ends of photos that give a small flavor of what’s happened over the last nine days.
There are a pair of photos of Carry-le-Rouet beach, which is where Sophia and Keaka took a sailing class. You can see some blue sails in the distance in one photo and be careful not to look too closely and happen to see a topless female. Carry-le-Rouet is on the Blue Coast east of Marseille and about 30 minutes from our house.
We’ve been to Marseille twice over the last nine days and managed a photo of the Marseille Chamber of Commerce building.
One of our favorite towns is L ‘Isle-d-la-Sorge, not far from Avignon and based upon the Sorgue River and water wheels used years ago when the it was a mill town. We were back to the town for the 4th or 5th time and our group was enamored by the coated candy. And, we managed a photo of Mike, Jenny and Marlene in L ‘Isle-d-la-Sorge. Nearby, is the small and very charming village of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse (you can look all of this up) and we got three photos.
The day we visited those two towns we took Mike and Jenny to Gordes and got a good look at the Luberon area.
Mike and Jenny departed this morning (Thursday) and had six full days here in Provence. Needless to say, we were on the move plenty. Five days of seeing the sights and one day around the pool with a late afternoon driving trip not too far from the house.
We leave our Provence home and take the TGV train to Paris two weeks from today. So, we’re finalizing our departure plans (returning the car, the dog to the vet, plans for the dog shippers in Paris, closing our checking account, doing a mock packing to see how we’re doing for space, checking on the cleaning of our house in Portland, etc.).
The Wilsons