It’s now Sunday evening and Marlene and I are just back from seeing the movie “Maps To The Stars”. Interesting. There are a few cinemas in this area that do show films in English with French sub-titles. The inventory of English language films being shown is typically small at any one time (2 – 4 movies), so the choice at any one time is pretty small, and most of the time the films come and go in a hurry.
Well, last night we dined at Peron, a fine, seaside restaurant in Marseille. Marlene has wanted to be sure she had boulibaise. The story goes that Marseille is the mecca of boulibaise. The dish has at least seven fish caught on the same day. Typically, you pre-order boulibaise at a restaurant. The de Bisschop family suggested the restaurant and we went with them. Both Eric and Kirin are doctors. We met Eric and Kirin because their son played on the same hockey team with Keaka.
We arrived at Peron at 8:00 pm. That may sound late, but that’s what time the restaurant opened for dinner. As we turn to the photos, it was a nice evening and soon after we sat down a ferry leaving Marseille for Corsica came by. There’s a photo with Keaka, Eric and Marlene. And, there’s a photo of Kirin, Axel and Sophia. A bit later we got a shot of the same ferry moving in front of a couple of inhabited islands off the Marseille coast. And, there was a nice sunset. Keaka and I had the lamb dinner – see the photo. It was quite good. And, you get a look at the boulibaise, which costs about $75 USD per plate. Fortunately, only Marlene, Eric and Kirin had boulibaise. The deserts were typically French and there’s a photo of Marlene’s dessert, which obviously featured chocolate. And, there’s a photo of the new moon and the island off the coast just after sunset. The bill hit just past the 600 euros mark, which is about $810 USD. Ouch! The good doctor grabbed the tab and I’m trying to figure out how to reduce his damages. I tried to pay, but they would not hear of it, claiming I had bought them dinner some months back. I’m somewhat conscious of insulting the French, so I have to do some consulting with others to find a way to pay for some of the dinner.
Thank goodness, this week looks pretty peaceful. The last day of school is 12 days away. Off to Germany in 23 days. Back in Portland in 54 days.
The Wilsons