Sucre has been a great little stop for us. We are staying in a flash as hotel, the nicest i have ever been in! It has been a good time to sleep and do laundry!
Yesterday we went out to see the dinosaur tracks at the cement factory . It was awesome, a great big wall covered in dinosaur tracks and apparently the most species seen in one place! We had a hilarious guide who walked us through all the life size replicas of the dinosaurs...and he even knew about the tuatara , so we gave him a big cheer! The wall is a crazy thing, it was a lake bed where all the dinosaurs came to drink, then due to tectonic activity it was raised up vertically, covered in more rock and then discovered by some miners, the strange thing is it is perfect for viewing because you stand in front of it, and it looks like dinosaurs are running up the wall.
We also order two tailored suits for Chris. Which was so much fun with our limited spanish and their even more limited english! Try saying, no three buttons and a bit bigger in the waist please!But we muddled along and the women were so lovely and accommodating, we ended up ordering two suits for the bargain price of $US270. The funniest part was when i was sitting in a chair with chris looking to me for the spanish words, and the two tailors speaking to me in spanish assuming i could translate for them. And then chris starts acting out stuff to me, and I was like - hey i speak english!!! It was awesome
We went out last night, the first time both of us have gone together as one always seems to be sick with a cold. Went to some crazy bar and danced like a latin woman, so much so that I have aching leg muscles today! It was great fun, but made today a bit of a write off.
However today we did some more shopping for shirts and ties. And i found an amazing fairtrade textile store and got a few things. I wanted to tell the women in the shop that it was such an important place and i loved it but due to my limited spanish all i could manage was ´thank you very much, excellent´´ i think i could have got one of eveything in there . And chris has started calling me Persy as i keep buying woven purses!
Also this afternoon we went and visited a local orphanage with the rest of our group. It was such a great experience, all these little bolivian boys who just come up to you and hug you. We gave them a globe of the world and showed them where we were from and then drew our flags for them. They were such awesome kids and really happy. I really had to keep it together to stop from crying at points and I wanted to become Angelina Jolie and take them all home. The kids and the staff were so appreciate of our 2 hour visit and we are now welcome back whenever we want. It is such a great place and so important. And i am glad we went as you can´t always look at the nice shiney tourist places and ignore the real fact that you are travelling through a struggling country.