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Living My Dream! My journal of traveling solo around the world.

About kmontana75

Wicklow, where some of 'PS I Love You' was filmed

Wicklow, where some of 'PS I Love You' was filmed

It's always been my dream to travel the world and experience life as it was meant to be for me. My father shared the same love, curiousity and free spirit. We had a very close relationship. He was my best friend, confidant, role model and voice of reason. I took such joy in hearing all about his backpacking experiences through Europe back when he was a big hippy. Open mindedness, traveling, spirituality were topics we just loved talking about. We always seemed to be on the same page.

In July 2011 I moved to Connecticut from New Jersey for a job opportunity and really just to get out of 'Dirty Jersey'. I always say Bruce Springsteen is the only good thing to come out of there. I know plenty of other people thrive there and love it, but I never felt 'at home'. Too congested for me and the pace is just too fast. Moving to CT was perfect for me. Not too slow, plenty more green and the vibe I felt was 'just right'. Unfortunately, shortly after moving there, my dad was diagnosed with liver cancer.

The disease slowly took it's toll, with much hope and disappointment along the way. Hope for a liver transplant, disappointment when that was no longer an option. Thanksgiving 2012 he was given 12-18 months to live and passed away December 4th of the same year. Not only was the family given the shock of 12-18, we weren't even given that. While I was fortunate enough to be with him during his last moments on this earth and while I'm beyond blessed to have had the last week with him in which we shared some wonderful conversations and hugs, I realize how short life is and how truly important it is to live every moment like it's your last.

2013 was a very challenging and emotionally draining year of dealing with grief and estate issues. My grandmother (my fathers mother) passed away 8 mths prior to my father and her estate issues were not yet completed, so there was quite a bit work involved in addition to grieving.

After completing the necessary work for both estates and taking a step back to reevalute my life, I decided to quit my job to live my dream of traveling the world, spread my dads ashes across Europe like he wanted and just 'live' and 'be'.

I quit my job in November 2013 and the new chapter began. I'd love for you to share it with me!



My Travel Map:
