Here we go again...
+Took the Bluebridge Ferry from the North Island to the South Island. Great scenery especially leaving Wellington and entering Queen Charlotte Sound in the South Island.
+Ferry arrived in Picton in time for lunch: a meat pie. Meat pies are very popular here.
+Love my merino possum scarf! Wish the weather were warmer though so I didn't have to wear it.
+Saw seals in the water from the ferry.
+From Picton to Christchurch took the TransCoastal train along the coast. Oceans on one side, snow-capped mountains on the other (and lots of lambs everywhere).
+The lambs are so cute, I don't think I have the courage to eat a lamb meat pie.
+Saw seals from the train.
+Train journey was 347 km long, went through 21 tunnels and over 175 bridges, not that I was counting.
+Arrived in Christchurch. Felt right at home immediately. It seems so English!!!
+Took shuttle from train station to the backpacker place where I'm staying (for Paul and Janet, the first stop on the shuttle was the Hotel SO).
+Cathedral bells were ringing in Cathedral Square.
+Visited the cathedral, the museum, the art gallery, the botanical gardens. Saw the tram and generally wandered around.
+Have booked another train trip and bus ride over to the west coast of the South Island to see Franz Josef Glacier. Should be there on Friday.
+Discovered what the crunchy bits were in the afghan cookie: cornflakes.
+Christchurch has pedestrian crossings which go diagonally across an intersection (like Tokyo). I'm never sure when I can cross so just follow a local.
+When driving in New Zealand, they drive on the left. When making a left turn into a street, they have to give way to an on-coming vehicle who wants to turn right into the same street. Basically opposite of US and England.
+Couldn't resist checking out youtube to watch Craig Ferguson's interview on David Letterman show, where Craig appeared on the same show as the NZ prime minister.