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Wanderings and Misadventures of The Toes Ramblings of a fledgling traveler...

Trip: Japan - 2010

There are [12] stories from my trip: Japan - 2010


JAPAN | Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 | Views [629]

As I said, I love Tokyo. I love the energy that the place has. I feel there's a district for all tastes and everyone could find their place there. It's nice since I've felt I haven't belonged anywhere in years. It's a huge metropolis but you don't feel ... Read more >

A Shit? Why Yes I Am

JAPAN | Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 | Views [744] | Comments [2]

Okay, so the honest to God truth is that I hate writing in this thing. It's not that I don't like to update all you nice folk; I do like to let everyone know what's up. It's just that I already write in my journal old-school style... pen and paper, kids.... Read more >

Tags: busan, pilgrimage, south korea, tokyo

I hate writing titles

JAPAN | Friday, 26 Mar 2010 | Views [476]

I guess I look like someone named Bicky (I think she meant Vicky). That or maybe all of us white folk look the same to Asians. It could work both ways. I actually don't think everyone looks the same though. Still at the youth hostel in Matsuyama. I'm ... Read more >

When in Rome... Strip?

JAPAN | Wednesday, 24 Mar 2010 | Views [831] | Comments [3]

It's nice to be back in a bigger city. I suppose I'm a city girl at heart. Being in the mountains is still the nicest part of the walk, though the hardest uphill climbs are there too. I just feel that the convenience of the city is ideal with occasional ... Read more >

Tags: bag, bicycle boy, camping, dogo onsen, pilgrimage, strip


JAPAN | Wednesday, 24 Mar 2010 | Views [445]

I`ve posted new pictures in the Shikoku album. I`ll post something later. I have some running around to do now.

Still Alive (but not kicking)

JAPAN | Sunday, 14 Mar 2010 | Views [839] | Comments [5]

This pilgrimage... I don:t really know what to think of it yet. It has been neat to meet some people but disappointing to only have partial conversations with them. I would like to be fluent enough to get to know the folk I meet since most are very, ... Read more >

Tags: pilgrimage

Photos: Japan - Shikoku Pilgrimage

JAPAN | Saturday, 13 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 38 photos >>


JAPAN | Sunday, 7 Mar 2010 | Views [535] | Comments [3]

Shikoku is very pretty and hilly. It's unfortunate that there is so much construction on and between the hills but I can imagine what the landscape would look like untouched if I try hard enough. I'm staying at my first "ryokan". That's a ... Read more >

Just a Quick One

JAPAN | Friday, 5 Mar 2010 | Views [660] | Comments [2]

I'm sick of being on this computer so I'll make it quick. I visited Osaka castle. It's pretty neat on the outside and fun to explore the grounds. You can climb the battlements but the stairs are pretty freaky. Lots of steep steps and no handrails. The ... Read more >

Regarding Comments

JAPAN | Wednesday, 3 Mar 2010 | Views [316]

Quick note: if you want to place a comment or access links just click on the post title. It will open to the full post and give you some options.

Tags: comments, links

Airplanes and Futons

JAPAN | Wednesday, 3 Mar 2010 | Views [570]

I`ve made it to Japan, I'm in Osaka and it's 5:00 AM. This will be my second day here so I plan to do the tourist thing on foot. The flight wasn't as bad as I had expected though 13 hours from Toronto to Tokyo still isn't that fun. (a note to my parents:... Read more >

Tags: hayao miyazaki, hostel u-en, osaka, osaka aquarium, totoro

Photos: Osaka, Japan - 01.03.10 - 06.03.10

JAPAN | Wednesday, 3 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

First stop in Japan
See all 13 photos >>