Just a regular day out grocery shopping
PERU | Saturday, 1 December 2007 | Views [718] | Comments [10]
This week we went out for a regular shopping trip. The usual farmers market with small booths that have everything from produce, meats, and household items to beer. We ate plenty of fruit samples. Renee bought a ton of mangos, avocados, and other fruits of which I have never seen, 3 different types of grapes, 5 different types of bananas and a bunch of other yummy juicy things.
The next market was something like a Costco but on steroids. You drive your car around to each of the product venders, put your order in and go back later to pick it up. By the time you have made the rounds to all the venders, you can start to do your pickups. I watched a poultry vender hack apart a chicken in about 3 minutes. She started from a freshly plucked bird. She gutted it, de boned it whacked off the head and feet (all gory parts used later that week for a stew). Edward Scissorhands look out. They call it Mercado de Pueblo, the Market of the People.
Tags: Food & eating