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and now, the end is near..........

THAILAND | Tuesday, 23 November 2010 | Views [447]

So here it is, my final night in paradise :(
I'm sat outside with an incense burner which apparently keeps nasty bugs away, since I've lit it I've nearly been twatted around the head approximately 14 times by moths and lots of other scary noisy things. What a load of ol' bollocks! It's probably a 'hey, come over here we're having a bug party incense stick' Gonna kill Jo Jo!
Had a lovely last day today. The sun was out most of the morning so Joe, Jo Jo & I ventured off to a neighbouring island in the kayaks and went fully equipt with our snorkel gear. We put the canoes on a small beach ledge and went off in search of fish. There were a few things to see but relatively disappointing really. 
Then we kayaked back across from where we started and perched on a beach for a few hours and lazed in the sunshine like 3 happy little gheckos!
The sea's beautiful to chill out in. So warm.
We decided to head back to the resort once the darker clouds started to head our way as it looked like a storm was brewing. We were right the rain came down and then stopped briefly afterwards. After we had a snack I went to the spa and had a free 20 mins neck and back massage which I got a token for when we first arrived. It was very nice, relaxing although a little uncomfortable as I still have quite a sore back from the sunburn! I suffered through the pain like a true soldier, it all worked out ok in the end. 
I researched the bites I have on the internet last night as I was beginning to get a little concerned. I really haven't seen anything like them before and although they're not painful they're awful to look at! Self diagnosing on line isn't great as it always gives you the worse case scenario! (I'm laughing now, as my Dad absolutely hates that word!!! ha scenario, scenario!!! - sorry Dad x)  plus everyone's a doctor when it comes to the web! I did however take one persons advice as it's using stuff which I have with me. So when I'd had a shower tonight I opened 2 capsules of the antibiotic Amoxicilin which can be bought over the counter in Crete! I used the powder with a small amount of Savlon spray (which made it in to an antibiotic paste) and dabbed it on each of the wounds I have on my lower legs. I also took another 2 antihistamine and just hope this keeps them at bay until I get home in 2 days.
The new remedy I have invented today if it works will make me a lot of money therefore I have a patent pending if any of the dragons are interested! 
All is good in the Kood! :)
I'm going to continue to read for a bit here in the comfort of a chair plus lightening in the far distance! My last night of luxury before I begin my epic journey home which is going to take me 43 and a half hours!!!! 
wish me luck, my next blog with any luck will be me writing to you in the snow!!! (I hear the weather in the UK is a little cooler than the 34 degrees I've been used to here?!

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