Well I officially have 1 week until I leave for Thailand. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. I've finished work and went to my last football game last night, thanks for a brilliant 3 - 0 boys!! ITFC!!!
I've got my flights booked and my Visa arrived yesterday!!! I'm really looking forward to getting to Thailand. I'm incredibly apprehensive but I know that this experiences is going to be amazing and that I would always regret it if I didn't take this opportunity.
I'm kinda stressed, I like to have everything organised!! It's getting there slowly but surely just wish my body hadn't decided to give me a cold when I've so much left to do.
I'm going to miss everyone so much, in particular my niece. It's going to be strange talking to a 15 month old on Skype.
Looking forward to having a few drinks with whoever decides to turn up on Friday night.
Still don't think it’s actually sunk in that I'm leaving for over 6 months in a week’s time!!!