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Tales of a Vagabond My summer as a hobo in Europe.

Quick Update

SLOVAKIA | Wednesday, 9 July 2008 | Views [851] | Comments [5]

I'll write a full story as soon as I get to a place where I can use the computer for a while, but in the meantime: a quick update.

After leaving Poland, Devin and I headed to Prague, Czech Republic. My foot was hurting terribly, and it had started to swell and become red. I tried to ignore it, but it just kept getting worse. We ended up staying in Prague for three nights and going to the hospital. The doctor looked at my foot and suggested that I might have a stress fracture. After some xrays, it was determined that I have inflammation of the tendons which is agitated by constantly walking around with my heavy backpack. I was prescribed some medication to help with the inflammation as well as a topical cream for pain. It's feeling better, but I have to keep it wrapped and walk slowly so it doesn't act up again.

This morning we came to Bratislava, Slovakia. We were met a the train station by a girl asking if we needed a hostel. We told her that we had one picked out and would be heading that way, but she told us that they were probably full and we should come with her. Her hostel would give us a free cab ride. We settled on a price before leaving the station, and then we got in the cab with a driver who spoke no English and hoped that we would arrive alive. Our "hostel" is either an old dorm or a dilapidated hotel. Our room is musty and smells like it has been shut up for quite some time. We even have some roommates. They a small, black, and scatter when the lights are turned on. Devin and I decided that we should treat ourselves to a nice dinner and a bottle of wine since our hostel is so gross. Bratislava is actually very nice. We're a little worried that we're going to be kidnapped as we sleep tonight since our door doesn't lock from the inside. Just kidding...about being kidnapped. Our door really doesn't lock.

We're off to Zagreb, Croatia at four in the morning. Hopefully we'll have some time to add pictures and more updates then. The pictures take forever to upload, so unless it's something you really should see, I probably won't post too many. Check Devin's journal for pictures.

Hope everyone is having fun back in the USA. We're loving our trip, but it sure will be nice to have our own beds and bathrooms back and stop living out of a backpack while wearing clothes that haven't been washed in quite some time. Love you all!



Hi Katie,

Good to hear from you and it looks like you are having an experience of a life time. The temperature was 97 degrees today and the humidity (oh my).

Hope your foot gets to feeling better.

Take care.


  Aunt Betty Jul 9, 2008 1:12 PM


Oh Katie - I'm so sorry about your foot! That sounds awful. I am excited to hear that you made it to the Balkans...I spent a summer in Sarajevo & kind of fell in love. I got to go to Split, Croatia while I was there & that was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Of course, I've been to a few less countries than you, but still! Are you guys planning to go to Bosnia at all?

Okay, I'm done. Hope you made it through the night in that scary hostel!

love ya,

  Kali Jul 10, 2008 12:11 AM


I so sorry about your foot!! You poor thing, of all the things to be hurting. I hope by the time you get this your drugs and creams are working better. I hope none of those little black critters made their way into your backpack. The pictures of the train with the bunk beds looked really nice (and clean!). I thought the fruit and breads looked good too, but I suppose you could get sick of that. We miss you guys, take care and we love you.

  Sharon Jul 10, 2008 1:15 AM


Hi Aunt Katie!!!! I misses you lots. Can't wait to see you again. I'm beginning to take four or five steps at a time before I fall. Hopefully I'll be walking by the time you come home so I can come running to you when you get off your plane. I now have 12 teeth altogether. I have my four big molars that I love to chomp everything but food with!!
Love you and can't wait to see you! MUAH!!!

Love, Camden
dgf gqzexr vrfex cfv bv nbhbv v (I know you don't understand baby language but my mom told me to write a little extra.)

  Camden Jul 10, 2008 1:20 PM


Wow I'm so glad I found the link to your blog again [lost it in the move...didn't have internet...etc. etc.]. Sounds like you are having such a great time! I am slightly jealous but mostly not because I know that if I were in your shoes [which I love by the way], that I would be freaking out, scared, and mostly paranoid the entire trip ! haha. Can't wait to read more. Love you.

  Kelsey Jul 11, 2008 1:30 AM

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