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It All Started With Asia the Strange When the Chinese stop making you laugh, it's time to go home." I made it home after an exhausting 6 months then lived in Mexico for 2 years, before making England my temporary home. But don't be fooled by this seemingly one-place-kind-gal attitude...

Bus Balls And Well-Dressed Bums

MEXICO | Thursday, 12 Mar 2009 | Views [1322]

I just can’t kick the habit. At the end of every day dwells a “bus tale.” Yes, one is not all that different from another. In fact, they’re horribly boring to me on some level yet I feel obliged to recount them on a regular basis to whoever will listen ... Read more >

In and Out of Culture Corner: Oaxaca

MEXICO | Monday, 4 Aug 2008 | Views [874]

Well, unfortunately during our first few days spent in Puerto Escondido, I learned that anger is contagious when I had that particularly memorable encounter with a very tangible breed of anger. But I'm glad to report that the latter half of our week ... Read more >

Don Juan, Ass Monkey, and Other Tales

MEXICO | Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008 | Views [988]

By the time the hour finally arrived for Kristen and I to leave Mexico City for Merida I was completely exhausted. She'd arrived a week earlier and I had spent the entire time showing her the sights between finishing up classes at UNAM, writing exams, ... Read more >

"Are You Catholic?"

MEXICO | Friday, 13 Jun 2008 | Views [762]

I have been taking Spanish classes at UNAM for the past 4 weeks but have found that in my attempt to bring myself closer to the Mexican people by getting a firm grasp on the language I have incidentally landed in an international haven, a refuge for foreigners ... Read more >

A Little Local Flavor In Araro

MEXICO | Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [1147]

Let’s put it this way – it’s taken me the entire week to fully recover from last weekend. I am on antibiotics for a throat infection and I am recovering from this also, but I’m actually referring to our trip to Araro last Saturday. Saul’s friend, Luis, ... Read more >

Pharmaceutical Frauds & More Metro Headline Lovelies

MEXICO | Tuesday, 20 May 2008 | Views [742]

So Saul did some “spring cleaning” this weekend. There’s a space at the back of the house that pretty much resembles a 3x3m cage. It’s on the top floor and contains all the stuff that his parents didn’t want in the house while it was a hostel. Anyways, ... Read more >

In the State of Mexico With Don Silviano

MEXICO | Wednesday, 7 May 2008 | Views [660]

It was back to good ol’ gorgeous Malinalco last weekend where we stayed at Jesus’ place with him and his girlfriend, Dayana, her cousin Queztalcoatl (incidentally, he shares his name with one of the most famous Aztec deities of all time), his girl, ... Read more >

Shake Me Up, "I Love You!"

MEXICO | Tuesday, 29 Apr 2008 | Views [712]

As I was sitting at the computer last night, post-blog, I was thinking about something else that happened in Puerto Escondido. One day, we walked on a plot of land where a dirt path had been cut out of the grass on our way up to Benito Juarez. At ... Read more >

Lucky Number 4

MEXICO | Monday, 28 Apr 2008 | Views [5839]

On my way to Bosques today, I was reading this article about luck and so far I’ve had some pretty clear signs and definitive experiences that lead me to believe that I’m not a naturally “lucky” person. Not that I’m not lucky to have the life I have, ... Read more >

That's One Firm Ass

MEXICO | Tuesday, 15 Apr 2008 | Views [752]

I could write an entire book detailing the good, bad, ugly, and funny about Mexico’s City’s buses/peseros/microbuses but I can’t. Too overwhelming considering that I spend about 2 hours on them daily. For anyone who’s visited the City, better yet, braved ... Read more >

The Unsparing Metro Newspaper

MEXICO | Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008 | Views [831]

There’s a newspaper here called “Metro,” another called “Grafico.” Both are cheap, gory, and borderline pornographic as you near the last pages. Logistically, I don’t know how someone is always at the scene of a crash, murder, or assassination with their ... Read more >

Haunts In Our House?

MEXICO | Tuesday, 8 Apr 2008 | Views [549]

Another restless night. But last night was even worse than the night before it. The night before we had been plagued by mosquitoes. So my current status is: loving Mexico City’s Spring heat, but hating the mosquitoes. This situation is much worse than ... Read more >

Intro to My Mexico

MEXICO | Friday, 4 Apr 2008 | Views [765]

I’ve started this blog about 8 months too late. And apparently I’m so far behind the times that it was my dad who suggested I do it (although he is also a self-professed “computer geek”). When I decided to move to Mexico City for a year, I figured that ... Read more >

Cambodia and Vietnam Were Visited

MEXICO | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [608]

We did go to Cambodia, where among other things, I crashed a Vietnamese wedding and spent three unforgettable days exploring the temple of Angkor Wat, and Vietnam, where I experienced the bliss that is rapelling in the lush jungles of Dalat and travelled ... Read more >

Gallery: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Saturday, 28 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 51 photos >>

Gallery: Cambodge

CAMBODIA | Friday, 20 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Laos: Part 2

LAOS | Monday, 2 Jul 2007 | Views [598]

Conveniently, a tuk-tuk was waiting at the top of the riverbank when we emerged from the water, but a handful of us boycotted his "outrageous" $1 per person rates and walked (though we hadn't the slightest clue where we were). Following the ... Read more >

Laos: Part 1

LAOS | Monday, 2 Jul 2007 | Views [571]

Departure date from Luang Nam Tha: June 3. We returned to the bus station bright and early that morning, and when we went to purchase tickets, we were told to "Sit. Five minutes." Okay, so we sat and waited until 8:30am on the dot. When the ... Read more >

Gallery: Laowais in Laos

LAOS | Saturday, 30 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 75 photos >>

The Fifth Slice

CHINA | Saturday, 2 Jun 2007 | Views [5160]

Well, Readers... The bus ride was NOT 22 hours long, but closer to 30. I won't quite go there yet, since, plot-wise, we still haven't left ChengDu. We acquired a new rooomate one of our nights in ChengDu, Irishman Liam, who joined us for a self-... Read more >

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