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Ecrivain sans frontières

Driving from Finland to Thailand

LAOS | Tuesday, 1 Mar 2011 | Views [688]

So after reading the preceding post, you may well ask, “What the hell are you doing in Vang Vieng then?” Fair enough. I never had any intention of visiting the town, and was in fact planning on heading directly from Luang Prabang to Vientiane.... Read more >

Tags: bus trip, finland, indochina, laos, road trip, southeast asia, thailand

Lia Sen Hauy, Proteh Kampuchea

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 5 Feb 2011 | Views [368]

(Farewell, Cambodia.) I've spent 304 days in the Kingdom, but now it's time to move on. My time here has been mostly amazing and joyful, occasionally sad and heartbreaking, but always educational and interesting. I've seen and done so many incredible ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, farewell, kratie

24½ Days of Trying to Get My Shit Together

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 1 Dec 2010 | Views [764]

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA – What was meant to be “30 days of literary abandon” turned out to not really work out so well. My final wordcount was about half of what it should’ve been. I won’t go into the specific reasons why, what with this not being ... Read more >

Tags: battambang, cambodia, diamond island, indochina, kampot, koh pich, koh tonsay, phnom penh, rabbit island, southeast asia

All Aboard the Battambang Bamboo Express

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 13 Jul 2010 | Views [1070]

BATTAMBANG, CAMBODIA – With the upgrade of the rail line which runs between Battambang and Phnom Penh, a testament to Cambodian ingenuity will soon come to an end. The bamboo train, a homebrew rail service that provides transport between many ... Read more >

Tags: bamboo train, battambang, cambodia

Photos: Red Shirts, 2010

THAILAND | Wednesday, 19 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

Photos of Red Shirt protesters taken in Bangkok during the 2010 unrest.
See all 12 photos >>

Tags: bangkok, civil unrest, protest, red shirts, thailand

Welcome To The Boomtown

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 8 Apr 2010 | Views [352]

SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA – A lot can happen in five years. If I look at my own life, I can see so many changes within me that it’s hard for me to really believe that I went through them. Imagine what five years can do to a town 12 kilometers from ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, changes, indochina, siem reap, southeast asia, tourism

Break On Through To The Other Side

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 7 Apr 2010 | Views [287]

Tags: cambodia, indochina, siem reap, southeast asia

Your Possible Pasts

THAILAND | Saturday, 3 Apr 2010 | Views [733]

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Since deciding to take a small side-trip back to Kanchanaburi before I go to Cambodia, I’ve been thinking a lot about the past, the future, what shapes us, what guides us. Sorry, but I’m no closer to having a coherent answer, ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, dreams, indochina, plans, southeast asia, thailand

I Gotta Roll, Can’t Stand Still…

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 18 Mar 2010 | Views [487]

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – I’m back in the Big Smoke after spending a few days dropping off things and visiting family around various points of NSW. Roughly 1100 kilometers over two days, with a bit of a break in Albury. And all of this is before I head ... Read more >

Tags: albury, australia, driving, hume highway, mollymook, nsw, sydney

Leaving Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 15 Aug 2009 | Views [412] | Video

Tags: cambodia, leaving, phnom penh, sadness

Contemplation in Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 9 Aug 2009 | Views [406]

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA - How can I write any more on the horrors of Tuol Sleng and Cheoung Ek? I've done so already, as have countless others. And they've done a far better job than me. I visited those placed for a second time recently. Their impact was ... Read more >

Tags: aid, cambodia, cheoung ek, killing fields, phnom penh, s21, tabitha foundation, tuol sleng

Covering The Basics

CAMBODIA | Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Views [279]

Tags: aid, battambang, cambodia, tabitha foundation

How's the serenity?

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 25 Mar 2008 | Views [399]

This entry was originally conceived as a fairly detailed journal of my Easter break, three and a bit days I spent in Hill End, a small town west of Sydney. I had first heard of Hill End via a friend of mine who had taken a small expedition out ... Read more >

Tags: australia, hill end, nsw

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