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To the end of the world, back, and everywhere in between Some take holiday, some go on gap year and some never come back...this is for all of us, lost in travel


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "bolivia".

Southern Bolivia - Sucre, Potosi, Tupiza and Uyuni tour

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 20 Nov 2012 | Views [6269] | Comments [5]

I had great expectations from Sucre. I have heard from so many people about how charming the place was and I was really looking forward to spending few days there. The bus journey was awful. I was on the bus that kept getting flat tyres and then in ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, mines, potosi, salt flats, sucre, tarabuco, tupiza, uyuni

Bolivia; Lucha Libre and my first 6000m climb (Isla del Sol, La Paz, Huayna Potosi)

BOLIVIA | Sunday, 11 Nov 2012 | Views [1152]

After incredibly painful overnight journey I arrived at the border with Bolivia. Considering my previous experience with border crossing this has turned out to be pretty easy and painless. As I was alone again after leaving my international trekking ... Read more >

Tags: 6000m, bolivia, cholitas, climbing, huayna potosi, isla del sol, la paz, tiwanaka

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