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wandering Ka

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

WORLDWIDE | Sunday, 17 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I took these pictures during my trip between China and Nepal. It was interesting to notice the different ways in which the corn is dried, stored and sorted. At the moment I am in India, and will still be here in December. I am trying to understand this ... Read more >
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Tags: #2010wnphoto, Travel Photography Scholarship 2010

Photos: hong kong to chennay

HONG KONG | Monday, 20 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

hong kong
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In Kathmandu, remembering Tibet

NEPAL | Saturday, 18 Sep 2010 | Views [588]

I didn't have the chance to write in Tibet because of the bad internet connection and the difficulty of writing about Tibet in chinese's land.  It was quite impressive. I was on a tour group (travelling in Tibet is not free, you have to be part of ... Read more >

Planning a visit to Tibet.

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 29 Aug 2010 | Views [512]

 The problem with going to Tibet is that you need a Travel Permit that only the Tibet Tourism Bureau can issue. To get this permit you need to be part of a tour (made only of yourself if needed) through an agency. You can't get the permit by yourself ... Read more >

Day 7 - chengdu

CHINA | Sunday, 29 Aug 2010 | Views [665]

So I did it. I quit my job and I left for my longest trip ever. 4 months between Hong Kong and Chennay, South India, passing through Tibet and Nepal. I know it's not that long at all, but it is for me (and for my family, that tried to convince me until ... Read more >


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 31 May 2010 | Views [535]

When I came back from China and anyone asked me how the holiday had been, I didn't know what to reply! I keep thinking that it was a nice holiday but not the best I've had so far. Why is that? I guess the main thing was that there weren't many people ... Read more >

Photos: china

CHINA | Sunday, 30 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

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