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Kill the Driver

SIERRA LEONE | Thursday, 12 May 2011 | Views [268]

You are probably sick of my ranting about the school system so I'll lay off (although I did buy tons of supplies for the class today).  Also bought some cake (for myself) called 'Kill the Driver', apparently named because a truck driver was eating it and it was so delicious that he became distracted and drove off the road to an untimely demise.  The way people drive here I can believe it.

Everyone has gone to the beach, so a bit of peace and quiet - well, relatively.  The background noise here is incredibly loud.  Besides the dogs (one is having pups so I'm sure the noise will quadruple soon), chickens, roosters, and goats (damn goat under our stairwell is still alive) there is also the clanking and clunking of generators (of which we do not have - no power for 6 days now), children screeching (Jackie has just been diagnosed with septic arthritis in a hip joint, but no one seems particularly concerned, including Haja), women haranguing their husbands, constant reggae/rap music, trucks revving and spewing mud as they get stuck in bog, the sound of laundry being pounded against rock, the splutter of tinny motorcycles stalling out as they hit the foot-wide gaping trench in the road, the clanging of pots and pans, and honking, honking, honking.  Instead of knocking on doors (where they exist), people will drive up and sit on the horn until whoever they're visiting shows up.

Looks like someone has tried to access my Facebook account from Beirut, so if any strange posts come out they're probably mine, but if you find them offensive they're not.  While waiting for me at the Internet cafe Ide also saw a group of guys on the next computer creating an Internet scam - writing letters about gems and diamonds and forging official documents.  Maybe I should have offered to correct their spelling.

Smells like fish stew again for dinner.  I am so sick of picking bones and scales out of my teeth.  I would kill for a Muscovy duck pizza with caramelized onions, blue cheese, and arugula lettuce.



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